Archive for July, 2013

Erlend Oye “La Prima Estate”

Posted by Jakub


The man that gave some of us our favorite Royksopp song, Smiths cover, the face of Kings Of Convenience, and the soul of The Whitest Boy Alive, and pretty much my idol has a new single… and its in Italian. I have mixed feelings, I don’t dislike it, I really don’t want to listen to it again today because of the Olive Garden commercial guitar on it, maybe tomorrow.

Its hard, i’m not a Kings Of Convenience bandwagon fan, i’m a true Erlend fan and this just throws a few things off but not in a bad way. For the record, I enjoy how everything else meshes, that synth is actually refreshing, the flute with the bassline nails some classy early light disco that i’m a fan of. But the ukelele sounding thing when its up front, i’m just not feeling. What are your thoughts? and don’t say “why those shoes?” because I already said it.

Paul Rudolph Sketches + Efdemin Mix

Posted by Jakub









Its hard to pick a favorite Paul Rudolph image, i’m just soo inspired every time I look his sketches, i’ve actually decided to get one tattooed on me.

Below is a Fact mix that i’ve been going back to, really solid and thought though, not just a bunch favorites slapped together, that seems to be the Dial way.

1. Raymond Scott – Country Fair (Instrumental)
2. Dj Sotofett – Asa Med
3. Anthony Shake Shakir – Frayed
4. Perception – Abandoned Building In Mono
5. Max/Ernst – 7Klick1
5. Steevio – Ty (Deep Mix)
6. Furthr – Enta (enypnion)
7. DJ Qu – Times Like This
8. Black Jazz Consortium – Be And Not Know Why (feat. Christina Wheeler)
9. STL – Paku Paku
10. Jason Fine – Conical
11. Delroy Edwards – 4 Club Use Only
12. Ra. H – Spacepops
13. Gherkin Jerks – Midi Beats
14. Vakula – 41600
15. Delano Smith – Invitation Only (Reconstructed by Tobias.)
16. M-Core – Be Gene
17. Parallel 9 – Dominus
18. Echoplex – Soleil
19. tvhosten – Swinger EP
20. Acid Jesus – Radium
21. Lucy – Finegan (Pariah Rmx)
22. MLZ – One State
23. Jeroen – Axis
24. D5 – Run
25. Mark Ambrose – Bellringers
26. Phuture – Rise From Your Grave
27. Dream 2 Science – Dream 2 Science

Sebastião Salgado

Posted by Navis

Perhaps I’m a little late on the Sebastião Salgado bandwagon but I’m really glad I jumped on. Sebastião Salgado is a veteran documentary / photojournalism photographer from Brazil. I believe most of the shots above were shot with a Leica M7 with mostly Kodak’s T-Max 400 film. I’ve also read that Mr. Salgado has switched to digital format in recent years. Either way, his photographs floored me. I was at Samy’s Camera here in Los Angeles and they had his book Genesis on display. I could have sat and viewed that book for days. Each image had me staring at it for a good length of time. Salgado’s work is the kind of work that makes me want to quit photography entirely because it’s just too good.

I could go on and on about his work but go ahead and do your own research on Sebastião Salgado.

Sebastião Salgado Wiki

Keep Shelly + Gonno + Ariel + Forest S.

Posted by Jakub


Never write off Keep Shelly In Athens, its genre bending when it comes soft pop music with an 80s haze over yet fusing in electronics that makes me want to put the song on repeat.

Tim Sweeney is doing an amazing A+R job with Beats In Space. Gonno rides a mysterious line that takes him into a dark caribbean digital world comes out the other end into a colorful synthetic space.

Ariel Pink strips it down and experiments just outside the AM gold sound with Jorge Elbrecht.

Tri Angle grabs up another huge talent for their roster with the signing of Forest Swords. Composition wise he always keeps it interesting by sitting percussion in this distant muffled space that I love.

Logo Design Master Class With

Posted by Scott


I dare you to watch this all the way through; I still haven’t made it. Is this a joke? If so, who’s in on it? I have to imagine that someone at WSJ, at some point between filming and uploading the video to Youtube, realized this man was completely insane but just decided to roll with it. Either that or has an incredible sense of humor and this is just the first in a series of hilarious lectures where he just fires off random thoughts from the top of his head about various topics ranging from foreign policy to automotive design.

Who thought it would be a good idea to interview about logo design in the first place? What was that whole thing about India? So many questions…

To make it easier on you I’ve distilled the wisdom of this video down to some key concepts you need to be familiar with when developing a logo: “The New World”, “What India is going to do to the world”, “English, but with a different alphabet”, “Problems”, “Don’t use the word brand”, “New types of fonts”.

Best of luck.


Tycho DJ Set in SF July 26

Posted by Scott

I’ll be doing a DJ set on Friday, July 26th here in San Francisco at 1015 Folsom. I’ll be playing a lot of favorites along with some tracks from the new Tycho album. Hope you can make it!

More Info / Tickets

Euphonic Conceptions & 1015 Folsom Present

TYCHO (DJ Set, Ghostly)

Insightful // B. Lewis // Dailon
Ryury // Ribotto // Bedrockk


FRIDAY JULY 26TH, 2013 / 10P-4A / 21+ ONLY