Die Neue Gesellschaft ’74

Posted by Scott

die-neue-gesell.jpg Die Neue Gesellschaft issues 7-12, 1974. This was a German political magazine art directed by Helmut Schmid. These scans were obtained by AisleOne through the curators of Schmid’s work. I love the color coding, apparently this design continued through 1981, would love to see the full spectrum of covers. There’s some more info over at AisleOne and some larger scans at their Flickr page. If I was German I think I would spend most of my weekends digging through my parent’s house for stuff like this.

Plexifilm streams High Tech Soul in full

Posted by Jakub

High Tech Soul
HIGH TECH SOUL is the first documentary to tackle the deep roots of techno music alongside the cultural history of Detroit, its birthplace. From the race riots of 1967 to the underground party scene of the late 1980s, Detroit’s economic downturn didn’t stop the invention of a new kind of music that brought international attention to its producers and their hometown.

High Tech Soul – The Creation of Techno Music

High Tech Soul: The Creation of Techno Music from Plexifilm on Vimeo.

College Secret Diary

Posted by Beamer

College - Secret Diary

Well, I’ve been hyper-busy getting ready for the big move to California, so sorry for the lack of posting!

In my absence, I totally missed the release of College’s Secret Diary. The Teenage Color EP was great, but it lacked a little something. . . something to make it memorable. Secret Diary takes over and delivers just that. Great release.

College – The Energy Story


College – I Need a Better Engine


ISO50 Shop Is Back Online

Posted by Scott

isobsod.jpg As some of you pointed out in comments and via emails, the ISO50 Shop was responding slowly. Apparently the US Postal Service server is having trouble and that is affecting our ability to calculate postage during the checkout process. Anyways, the issue has been resolved and to make up for it, discounted shipping is now in effect. Happy holidays!

Fujiya & Miyagi: Sore Thumb Video

Posted by Scott

You may remember Fujiya & Miyagi’s phenomenal animated dice video for “Ankle Injuries” from last year (view it below). Well they’re back with more bodily harm in the form of the Wade Shotter directed “Sore Thumb” video. Can anyone remember what game they based this on? They had it in the arcade by my house, you looked through a periscope type thing and fought wireframe tanks. Anyways, very cool video, although not feeling this song quite as much as Ankle Injuries. I heard these guys spent almost the entire marketing budget for the Ankle Injuries album making the video (below) in the hopes that it would go viral and blow everything up. I wonder how that worked out.

ISO50 Winter Sale: 20% Off

Posted by Scott

saleheader08.jpgThe holidays are here again and so is the ISO50 Winter Sale. Everything at The ISO50 Shop is 20% off for a limited time. This includes the new “77” shirts and thermal and all of the prints are back in stock and ready to go. The snowboard giveaway is still on too so if you were waiting on scoring some new gear, now is the time.. Head over to the ISO50 Shop!

Starf_cker+Lipp+La Baron+Koze

Posted by Jakub

Portland has a lush music scene, I might even say that it might be more exciting than it is here in Brooklyn. During the CMJ festival Portland’s Starf*cker played a couple times and I never got to catch them live but picked up their album and definitely found a few songs on there that I really like. With the name Starf*cker I thought it was gonna some wild Dan Deacon kind of music but it wasn’t at all which isn’t a bad thing but the name just threw me off.
Eliot Lipp continues to blow me away, he has started his own label called Old Tacoma Records and has been touring non stop like a proper busy musician in 2008. His new single is what i’m guessing how Hip Hop will sound in 2030.
Le Baron was given to me by none other than Tom Croose, this whistling song puts Peter Bjorn and John to shame.
I know I post some Techno/House on this blog and its probably not very fitting to listen to the songs just on your computer especially if you don’t listen to much of it but DJ Koze this year was elite. Listen to those shakers! just brilliant production and sequencing, if you ever hear this on a big system you’ll fall in love.

Starf*cker – Florida


Eliot Lipp – Beamrider


La Baron – Le Sifflet Du Baron


DJ Koze – I Want To Sleep


Nvidia Tesla Desktop Supercomputer

Posted by Scott

With the release of Adobe CS4, many of us are seeing the power of software leveraging the GPU for the first time. I have personally seen a rather significant increase in redraw performance when zooming, seemingly a direct result of GPU acceleration in Photoshop. But this pales in comparison to what’s on the horizon for desktop computing. Pictured above is the newly announced Tesla desktop “supercomputer” from graphics chip manufacturer Nvidia. Around $9,000 will buy a configuration delivering 4 teraflops of performance and sporting nearly 1,000 processor cores (4 GPUs @ 240 cores ea.). Yes, $9,000 is way more than most of us ever plan on spending for a computer, but this number is significantly lower than even the lowest entry point for previous so-called “supercomputers”. The point is that this signals a sea change in the relative performance of desktop computing. In the near future we could be seeing performance leaps by factors of hundreds or even thousands as opposed to the incremental bumps we’re getting now. As with all technology, the prices will come down and the technology will become mainstream (apparently Dell already has plans to begin manufacturing a consumer version). This is really exciting news for us in the creative sector, while most people would never need this kind of performance at any price, this could fundamentally change the way we create and edit graphics, audio, and video. This is also a potential boon for society in general as low-cost machines like these could enable scientists and researchers to run computer simulations and experiments that once took a year in a single day leading to new breakthroughs in science and medicine.
More info on the Tesla can be found here, and if you’re wallet is getting too heavy you can actually buy one here.

On a side note, who the hell designs this hardware? Why does it all look like the old Xbox? Why does it all look like some bad late-nineties rendition of what alien hardware might look like? Why is there always so much green involved? Hopefully Apple designs one soon.