Heathered Pearls – Stadiums & Shrines Mix
Posted by Jakub
I did a mix and interview today for Stadiums & Shrines, the mix includes some exclusive edits of Com Truise and Black Marble along with some favorites from Byrne & Eno, radio recording of Panda Bear, and kicks off with OMD.
The guys over at S&S have great questions and post huge versions of images so its a great nice blog to explore. Its pretty much the first i’ve ever talked about my design and influences, let me know what you think.
Future Totems is playing right now (above). Where is this mix coming from…what kind of space does it live in?
Future Totems is similar to some of my other mixes which are about communicating the beauty of how I see sound expanding slowly. I see it living in a naturally carved out, small cove full of very simple, large vegetation surrounding a huge slow-moving body of water; it’s a calm place yet there’s plenty of moving parts, and once in awhile everything aligns and you get these still moments.

8 Comments Leave A Comment
Kaöoro says:
November 16, 2012 at 3:11 amContinental <3
Clayton says:
November 16, 2012 at 6:49 amAwesome interview, Jakub. I’m only about 4 minutes in to your mix, but it’s sounding great so far. The tones of the track playing around the 4-minute mark remind me a lot of your Left Climber track. Very much looking forward to your LP’s release.
On a somewhat related note, I’m really digging the subtle color changes S&S’s background goes through. At first it was a bit surprising, but it’s an interesting touch.
Anyway, lovely stuff, Jakub. Keep up the good work.
Jakub says:
November 16, 2012 at 7:09 amThanks Clayton
Here’s the tracklist
OMD – Time Zones
Com Truise – Hyperlips (Heathered Pearls intro rework)
Lone – Under Two Palms
Panda Bear – Untitled (radio recording)
High Wolf – Solar System Is My God
Sun Araw – Conga Mind
Battles – TRAS3
Byrne&Eno – Mea Culpa
Le Revelateur – View Model
Chrome Wings / Ladyshapes – Almost There
Dirty Beaches – Speedway King
Black Marble – A Great Design (Heathered Pearls edit)
Ashra – Sunrain
Airbird – Deep Dreams
53T says:
November 16, 2012 at 4:18 pm… wow… a My Life In the Bush of Ghosts track… awesome.
Kurt says:
November 17, 2012 at 7:53 amawesome mix. Panada Bear/ Animal Collective tune is called “Guy Eyes” btw
Evan says:
November 18, 2012 at 8:44 pmI have never before heard anything like that My Life in the Bush of Ghosts track.
Neal says:
November 19, 2012 at 8:43 amgreat mix jakub!
Daniel says:
December 6, 2012 at 7:08 amSounds like a caged animal crying out in pain. But somehow humorous.