We’ve discussed Vitsoe around here before, primarily focusing on what they are most known for: Dieter Rams’ furniture designs, including the 606 Universal Shelving System and the 620 Chair Programme. Founded in 1959, they have worked with arguably some of the most influential mid century graphic designers in Germany, and their attention to detail in the company graphic identity and literature has always been just as impressive as the furniture itself. Now, Vitsoe has started to release some of it’s amazing archival material via it’s newly created Tumblr page, and it’s worth a visit.
I find myself most drawn to the posters and graphic identity that Wolfgang Schmidt created for Vitsoe early on. Being a record collector, I’m obviously obsessed with this 7″ that they pressed in the 1971 for one of the various live performance events in the showrooms.
The poster he designed in 1972 for the 620 Chair Programme is genius – it really captures the idea of ‘furniture as a system’ that both the 606 and 620 embody. Each unfolding of the poster reveals a new layout, ultimately culminating in a whimsical layout featuring the Vitsoe employees as the models.
Schmidt’s book of invitations for the Frankfurt fair in 1971 delivers humor via his iconography combinations.
Finally, Günther Kieser, most famous for his jazz and rock posters, art directed various photo shoots for Vitsoe. This is a postcard featuring one from 1968.
Bookmark the Vitsoe Tumblr page or follow the twitter feed for daily updated content.
Posted by Rob Fissmer

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Tom says:
September 19, 2012 at 12:36 amQuite funny, the 3rd image shows a fortune which says: “Almost every fortune wins. If you don’t win, you haven’t been with us.”
And the prizes are:
1st: a shelf warmer
2nd – 200th: solace
Rob says:
September 19, 2012 at 10:33 amThanks Tom – That’s hilarious. I’d be curious to hear what the rest of them say as well. They are all at this post:
Maria says:
December 5, 2012 at 10:03 amHej RieTusinde tak! :) Det er meget enkelt, du kan enten ve6lge et af deres graits tema’er, kf8be et eller finde et, hvor du selv kan lave om i layoutet hvis du kan lidt koder :)KH Kat//jimi&dolly
Walter says:
December 7, 2012 at 9:03 pmBWAHAHAHA I remember sohcol. I would say college was better then high sohcol but that would be a lie. I did seem to be a lot better in athletics in high sohcol however. On to way more important things however. Anybody who happens to have Kirks number should call and ask who won between the Lions and Broncos. After his reluctant response of Lions scream Thats right punk and that is without 7 of 11 defensive starters. You would all be doing me a great favor.
Autotext BBM Blackberry says:
December 17, 2012 at 11:43 amQuite funny, the 3rd image shows a fortune which says: “Almost every fortune wins. If you don’t win, you haven’t been with us.”
Aplikasi Blackberry says:
December 17, 2012 at 11:44 amVery good articles