Vitsoe: Tidy Up Your Life
Posted by Rob
Vitsoe has just released a great video depicting an apartment in Munich lived in by two Vitsoe veterans who have been living with the shelving system since the 60s.
Dieter Rams and general design aficionados will appreciate the various items presented on the shelves.

2 Comments Leave A Comment
Ced says:
January 16, 2013 at 8:28 pmI don’t know about open shelving. It looks nice but it’s a magnet for dust!
Sean says:
January 20, 2013 at 5:53 pmI’m a devotee of the minimal design. I guess I dig the Zen simplicity and the organization it affords. It was interesting to see that minimalism works for both husband and wife. The design of my next apartment will have to be the fruit of a shared vision between me and the lady friend, who needs space for knick-nacks and shit.