Premiata Forneria Marconi Per Un Amico

Posted by Beamer

Premiata Forneria Marconi - Per un Amico

As far as Italian prog goes, PFM are the poster children. I’ve yet to find another group in the genre that makes it so smooth and buttery. The segways between movements (or lack there of, generally) is to die for. This album fails to leave my rotation.

There’s not much to say. The music speaks for itself. There’s quite a few movements, so give it a full listen.

If you’re looking for similar stuff, be sure to check out:

  • Locanda Delle Fate’s “Forse le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più”
  • Camel’s “Moon Madness” (England)
  • Grobschnitt’s “Rockpommel’s Land” (Germany)

Premiata Forneria Marconi – Appena un Pò (1972)


Premiata Forneria Marconi – Per Un Amico (1972)


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