Harmonia – Immer Wieder (1975)

Posted by Beamer

Harmonia - Deluxe (1975)

Mmm, some more Michael Rother for you.

This is Harmonia’s second release just before Rother hit the studio to record NEU!’s ’75. Brian Eno joined them for their next release (Tracks and Traces (1976)).

Harmonia’s lineup was a match made in heaven: a perfect mixture of NEU! (Rother) and Cluster (Moebius and Roedelius). Wikipedia references them as a “Krautrock supergroup,” and quotes Eno as saying that they are “the world’s most important rock band.”

Deluxe was a departure from the trio’s first release Musik Von Harmonia (1975). It’s much more of a solid sound with smoother melodies.

It’s a long track (9:43), but definitely worth the full listen, as they fit quite a few movements into it.

Harmonia – Immer Wieder (1975)


See also:

5 Comments Leave A Comment


Aaron says:

October 16, 2008 at 8:11 am

Love this record, and the cover art. Good call.

I just made a German mix last weekend that you may enjoy, it doesn’t include any Harmonia (they got cut because I’d used them in too many previous mixes) but it does include some Neu!, Cluster, and other great stuff.


Luke says:

October 30, 2008 at 7:41 am

If your a NEU! or Harmonia fan I know of this artist named Baltic Fleet that is heavily influenced by the two. I was introduced to his music at work and was really impressed with the album. Check his music out and see what you think…