Archive for the Film Tag

Valhalla: Sweetgrass Productions

Over the past few years the creativity and aesthetic of the ski movie has reached exciting new levels. Whether you’re remised about it or not, the days of the Warren Miller lifestyle film are quickly fading, if not already gone. Studios like Sweetgrass Productions, Sherpas Cinema, Teton Gravity Research, and Solomon Freeski TV – among others – have redefined the genre with next level editing, production and storytelling.

Presented here is the teaser for Valhalla, a Sweetgrass Productions film set to be released in Fall of this year. I love the aesthetic they’ve created, and can’t wait to see the full movie if this is any indication of how it might turn out.

Posted by: Owen Perry Instagram: @Circa_1983

Outliers Iceland: Black Beach

Posted by Navis

Last year I got to be a part of an amazing project with an immensely talented group of film makers, musicians and fellow photographer Kim Holtermand. The clip above is a sample from the film that Scenic Studios created along with DERU. I’d like to thank everyone that has supported the project. It’s so great to have projects such as this and many others come to life through Kickstarter.

You can see more of my photography from the project on my website:


There’s also a few more printed postcard books that can be purchased:

Outliers Postcard Book

Or if you’d like, you can also purchase the film as a HD digital download:

Outliers Vol. 1: Iceland

NFB: The Face of the High Arctic

The Face of the High Arctic by Dalton Muir, National Film Board of Canada

If I’m ever in need of inspiration, the National Film Board of Canada’s website is an absolute goldmine of films ranging from the 1930’s to present. For myself, it’s their documentary nature films in particular that capture the imagination.

This film is a short doc about Canada’s arctic from the NFB’s earlier years (c1958). I’m considering posting a few more of these over the next few weeks, so I’d be interested in knowing what you think.

Posted by: Owen Perry
Instagram: @circa_1983

Eric Valli

Posted by Navis

Jonathan (B3PO) turned me onto Eric Valli’s work a few weeks ago and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. One thing I want to do more of in life is experience situations like Valli has. You get a strong feeling that he deeply immerses himself into whatever culture he’s living in at the time. His award winning work on the Honey Hunters for National Geographic is insane. Climbing cliffs on who knows what kind of rope system with who knows how many bees flying around? Nuts. But the shots he brings home are flat out jaw dropping. They inspire me to want to buy a plane ticket to Tajikistan and find some sort of photo essay to do out there.

Check out the rest of Eric Valli’s work on his website. Hopefully it’ll inspire you to go out and travel somewhere awesome.

Eric Valli

Best of the Best Shuttle Footage

Posted by Scott

I’ve seen some of this footage before but never heard the commentary. The narrators go into some really interesting detail on the tech involved in capturing the film footage of Shuttle launches. Most of the footage is for review purposes but some is purely documentary. All of the footage is beautiful though. It amazed me that they still used film all the way up until the end of the Shuttle program. They’re also shooting at higher frame rates so you get some great slow motion in there.

The lenses used range all the way up to a 4000mm, 250lb., catadioptric for the medium range tracking system. The Shuttle program was undoubtedly one of the greatest technical achievements humankind will ever produce (and I’m guessing the last of it’s scale), so I suppose it’s fitting that it was documented with a 100+ camera array of some of the most sophisticated optics available.

This was part of a DVD put together detailing some of the best footage from the later Shuttle launches.

Full video is here (be sure to switch to the 720p version!)

Beyond The Black Rainbow

Posted by Scott

This promises to be the most visually stunning film of our generation. Panos Cosmatos‘ new film, Beyond The Black Rainbow, feels like the best possible conglomeration of 2001, Electroma, and A Clockwork Orange. Can’t remember being this excited about a movie in a long time, hopefully it will make up for the huge letdown that was Tron.

Posted this from the Airport in San Francisco en route to Amsterdam or start of Tycho European Tour; would have been nice to have this to watch on the plane…

Via Edward Knight