Antonio Carlos Jobim
Jakub sent me this image tonight which is, of course, amazing. It reminded me of my favorite Bossa Nova song "Aguas de Marco" so I thought I would post both. Note this is not the cover of the album this song is from. Impeccable style going on here, typography is top notch and the photographic composition is near perfection. That salmon color in the background is usually a dead giveaway for cross processing, wonder if that’s what’s going on here? If you look closely at his collar you’ll see a bit more evidence of the xp.
As Jakub pointed out, the original version has a black border as well as an alternatively effected version of the photo. Sort of torn on which I like best, the border sort of encapsulates the negative space which is nice, but there’s something about this version I think is a bit cleaner. There’s also a rather nice full vertical version here.
Antonio Carlos Jobim y Elis Regina-"Águas De Marco (Waters Of March)"
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16 Comments Leave A Comment
Giu Vicente says:
February 12, 2008 at 2:46 amHey!
I like Tom Jobim, and i think that you will like Bossacucanova.
Try to listen this!
Diego says:
February 12, 2008 at 7:16 ambossa & samba is pretty brazilian music.
nice post. thanks for show the brazilian culture.
Greg Vickers says:
February 12, 2008 at 8:44 amthe original photo was by pete turner. he did a lot of the photography for creed taylor’s ‘CTI’ imprint including the famous “red/green giraffe’ from jobim’s classic ‘wave’ album. there is an excellent book out there on turner’s photography called ‘the color of jazz’, published by rizolli a few years ago.
Hugo Meira says:
February 12, 2008 at 9:11 amI cant imagine linsten bossanova here…
Águas de março é uma bela música.
David Knowles says:
February 12, 2008 at 9:20 amOne of my favourite songs also. You might enjoy the album art and music of this site:
Alexandre says:
February 12, 2008 at 10:09 amDo you know this album? Stone Flower? It’s amazing… i’m brazillian and live in São Paulo, still only got to know it last year… Almost entirely instrumental… Brazillian’s best…
That blog David recommended above is the best brazillian music source you could find on the net… If you like our music, try to follow it… The autor is kind enough to write it in english, so this is an opportunity that can’t be missed.
Águas de Março is a great song, no doubt, but it’s kind of overplayed here… Try to get to know his other music, good stuff. I personally recommend another musician, Hermeto Pascoal. His Montreaux Jazz Festival album is impressive. He used to play with Miles Davis, a real genius. This guy can play any instrument, for real. Here’s a filmed piece of his Montreaux presentation:
Scott, congratulations for your work as a designer. I’m a designer too and follow your work for some time now. It’s really inspiring to me. E-mail me if you want to know more about our music. I run a non-profit organization focused on music with some friends of mine. Have a lot of good references. Bye!
Alex / HeadUp says:
February 12, 2008 at 12:48 pmWhat a luxurious soundscape…I can see myself smoking a cigarette in my smoking jacket overlooking Rio from a mid-century modernist living-room with a giant panoramic view.
I’m not sure if I’m with you on the perfect text placement tho…in the image you posted it looks off center in terms of the margins, but in the alternates you posted, they appear to be cool. In terms of the font– I have fallen back in love with Helvetica after they showed the documentary of the same name at work 2 weeks ago…is that what this is? I am surprised how little work you have done with Helvetica. Is it because its so ubiquitous?
Pedro Alexandria says:
February 12, 2008 at 3:35 pmBrazilian culture on ISO50. Thanks man!
Aline says:
February 12, 2008 at 5:28 pmUAL ! ! !
Legal encontrar por aqui um pouco da música brasileira.
Essa música é linda…
Exelente destaque : )
Henri Passos says:
February 13, 2008 at 3:48 amHello guy, I love your work and I’m your fan!!!
This work is beautiful…I love Antonio Carlos Jobin, “Tom Jobin”.
I’m from Brazil.
vitor cervi says:
February 13, 2008 at 6:57 amHi there,
if you check the link below my brother sent me you find a lot of brazilian record covers from the 60’s.
Translating a part of the info on the site: the records were released by Elenco, a music label created in 1963 by Aloysio de Oliveira, and the covers made by the designer Cesar Villela and the photographer Chico Pereira. These aesthetics became very popular at the time and got connected with the bossa nova since then.
Gareth says:
February 15, 2008 at 10:30 amIts funny how this image summarizes my romantic vision of how life would have been If I’d been born 30 years earlier. Its 1964, I’m wearing a sharp suit and smoking… That image has been in my head since i was a kid lol
Jenn says:
February 27, 2008 at 9:39 pmGreat post! I have always adored this song and really anything that Antonio Carlos Jobim has put out. There is something about Bossa Nova music that has always given me the warm fuzzies. Luciana Souza (an amazing Brazilian singer) did a remake of this song in English, which can be heard here. The lyrics are so lovely, it’s delightful to hear them translated and sung so beautifully.
fbojeygpaf says:
April 23, 2008 at 6:49 pmWow, cool man, big thanks!
Jonathan Quest says:
October 4, 2010 at 11:00 pmCheck out Os Mutantes, but i feel like you already have. If you could buy the self titled album and listen to it all the way through, im sure you’d dig it.
Vinicius says:
November 1, 2010 at 6:14 pmolha só as musica brasileira tomando conta aqui.
Bom saber que a bossa nova é reconhecida,o próximo passo é ouvir samba (raíz) e axé.
I really like your blog,I open all the links you post on twitter cause I know they’re always amazing.