Muxtape is a new platform for bands to create profiles and showcase their music. It was originally designed as a place for users to upload MP3 mixtapes (like Apple iMixes) of their favorite music. This didn’t fly with the RIAA, and Muxtape had to shutdown in August of 2008; the year’s “most heartbreaking death” according to Wired. Rather than spend all of eternity in a futile legal battle, creator Justin Ouellette decided to switch gears and develop a new Muxtape centered around original content.
I haven’t had a chance to use it myself (new bands can only be invited by participating bands), but I see great potential for Muxtape. As a musician, I am constantly frustrated by the chaotic mess that is Myspace. If it wasn’t a necessary evil in the pursuit of a successful music career, I would gladly never visit Myspace again. The possibility of a new (and aesthetically pleasing!) platform is definitely exciting.
The layout of each Muxtape page is very simple and works off a strict three column grid. This creates a pleasing consistency between pages, and still allows a band’s personality to come through with creative implementations of the grid (without crashing my browser *cough* Myspace). It will of course be very difficult to compete with the reach and popularity of Myspace, but I think the simplicity of Muxtape’s design might be refreshing enough to draw a substantial number of users away. Some may miss the social networking component, but I like how Muxtape puts the focus back on the music and doesn’t allow for as many unnecessary distractions. Good luck Muxtape!
(via Subtraction. Great Article Khoi!)

8 Comments Leave A Comment
StigC says:
May 15, 2009 at 1:40 pmGreat post. I would also be glad to give up the trouble that is myspace, but like you, I see no other alternative right now.
Muxtape seems to be a great site. Visually pleasing and appears to have high musical integrity and focus.
Bas says:
May 15, 2009 at 1:52 pmWow, great revival! I’m still sad about the fact that Muxtape had to go, but this looks as a promising platform. I love the grid layout, very sleek.
Bernat says:
May 15, 2009 at 4:54 pmAlex! you should try
NAVIS says:
May 15, 2009 at 7:52 pmLife is so much sweeter post deleting MySpace. Except that it’s led to Flickr, Dropular, Twitter, Facebook, Behance… dammit!
Alex / HeadUp says:
May 16, 2009 at 8:11 amHAHAHA NAVIS I hear you…
I used to love Muxtape, I had two accounts I would alternate different themes through…I read that long explanation he had posted and have been waiting for this for a while, glad to see it’s back!
They should let Mux Mool have his Muxtape immediately…
rtificial says:
May 16, 2009 at 11:38 amI use sound cloud. You should give it a try and looksie. They keep on upgrading it and its very pleasing on the eyes, plus you can share, share privately music. Also post music on other places from there too.
Adam says:
May 18, 2009 at 7:53 amGood to see the revival of Muxtape, I used it a lot back in the day until they got axed.