The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart + 800
Posted by Jakub
2 lovely groups by the names of The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart and 800beloved came out this month that got me back to digging thru older songs from a few more older well known groups that most of us already know. It’s nice to hear new groups taking hints of older material that is really specific sounding that inspired them and pushing it thru 2009 that is full of awful pop, weakened indie rock, and stagnant dance music. I truly feel like both these groups need to be heard since I would love to be dancing to music like this with a bunch of friends over most of what is out there not because its soo much better but it would be a perfect change of pace.

6 Comments Leave A Comment
grindle says:
March 3, 2009 at 11:22 pmThese are great and totally where my head & heart lie!
Jakub says:
March 3, 2009 at 11:28 pmgrindle –
we’re best friends then
Adam says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:08 amGood Morning awesome!
really? says:
March 4, 2009 at 10:40 am“It’s nice to hear new groups taking hints of older material…” I really feel like I have heard this sooo many times ; so I feel like “come on, it IS 2009”, but still comfortable, like old jeans, forgotten at the bottom at the closet. maybe for the week-end.
Andy W. says:
March 4, 2009 at 2:21 pmThat Section 25 album changed my life.
Jack R says:
March 4, 2009 at 3:29 pmIf you’re into PoBPAH you might also like this little band from the uk: exlovers
I saw them recently supporting Pete Doherty, they’re excellent live