Obama Logo Design Event
Posted by Alex
Sol Sender and Scott Thomas, the minds behind the Obama logo, will be in San Francisco in a couple weeks to talk about the process and development of the campaign. (Recall the Obama Logo Design videos that circulated a while back) I love hearing designers talk about their work, and even though I’ve heard just about everything possible regarding this logo, it should be interesting to hear them explain and answer questions about their process, in a live setting. The event is free. Register here.
Designing Obama
February 19th / 6-8:30pm
Morgan Auditorium
491 Post St at Mason
San Francisco, CA

5 Comments Leave A Comment
Serviceburo says:
February 5, 2009 at 3:38 pmInteresting note, the AP is threatening Shephard Fairey over the source photograph for the now ubiquitous HOPE poster.
Makes me really wish I could attend. I really believe that Obama won on the visual strength of his campaign – he was really the first to tap into the younger generation’s acceptance of branding. His campaign was even smart enough to approach artists such as Fairey to produce artwork to be used in the campaign.
Alex/HeadUp says:
February 5, 2009 at 6:00 pmYeah I read about that this morning…don’t like it one bit.
The only way I think the AP has a leg to stand on is if they look forward at the design’s post-election success, and not start demanding royalties from it’s meteoric rise to fame. Their argument, abuse of “fair use” is weak…although I do think the original photographer deserves positive recognition as well.
Serviceburo says:
February 5, 2009 at 7:39 pmWell, the telling part of the whole situation is that they are pursuing a share of what they claim is a pile of money that Fairey is supposed to have made off of it, although he says he didn’t receive any money out of the deal.
LenoxReign.com says:
February 6, 2009 at 3:46 pmI wish Obama would CHANGE something. ; )
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