Street Joy
Posted by Scott
Been kind of obsessing over this video for White Denim’s Street Joy. Not sure how I missed this but apparently it’s been out for six months. Director Carlos LaRotta’s (Birds on Fire) treatment includes a healthy dose of Tim & Eric / Doug Lussenhop VHS style. It’s always nice to see a band not take themselves too seriously, even in the case of such a somber and reflective song. but in spite of the humor there seems to be a fittingly nostalgic undercurrent at work here that ties the whole thing together. Really beautiful stuff.

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Kalifa says:
November 30, 2011 at 6:17 amvhs tracking lines on the bottom just brought me back… loving this right now. gave me some chills. great share.
HR says:
November 30, 2011 at 8:18 amAnother band has been using VHS style for their album promos, I think you would enjoy them.
Spencer says:
November 30, 2011 at 9:10 pmI’d like to see The Walkmen or French Kicks do some videos like this.
Matthias says:
December 1, 2011 at 12:56 amI love this band. I’ve seen them a few shows of theirs and I can definitely say they’re the best live band I’ve seen. Genuine musicians that play hard and play because they enjoy it. Real nice guys too.