Legowelt+Keep Shelly+A. Sound+SleepOver
Posted by Jakub
What a great long cut from Legowelt, synth noodling from another planet, I could listen to this for hours. DOWNLOAD HIS NEW ALBUM HERE FOR FREE.
Keep Shelly In Athens debut a song from their upcoming release, its haunting yet inviting in this bright opened up way, should be a killer release.
Bradford Cox does it over and over again, sounds like a classic already.
With all the buzz of the Balam Acab debut LP releasing this week, this Sleep Over remix has been floating around with it. I love how he lets all of his hisses and highs breathe like their blinking flashes of reflections that catch you noticing really quickly. The ending of the track is a real rewarding listen.

5 Comments Leave A Comment
jefta says:
August 26, 2011 at 5:17 amepic artwork! really awesome!
ryan says:
August 26, 2011 at 11:13 pmjakub
unrelated to this post.. but i’m loving galactic melt! thanks for putting it in front of my face!
liz says:
August 27, 2011 at 5:59 amlegowelt <3
安吉漂流 says:
August 28, 2011 at 12:36 ama6g6mc写点什么好呢,留个言
鱼跃制氧机 says:
August 28, 2011 at 4:47 amz1fv1b写点什么好呢,留个言