Lettering Art In Modern Use
Posted by Scott
Sébastien Hayez’s Designers Books blog has a great post on Lettering Art In Modern Use and various other design-related books. I love that last one; I was at the printers the other day looking at some samples and they showed me a letter-pressed wedding invitation with that same script style. It was embossed into the paper with inlaid gold leaf, so nice.
Via Surfstation

3 Comments Leave A Comment
letterpreston says:
September 18, 2009 at 5:55 amI like the first image. So sterile yet so inviting.
sebastien hayez says:
September 18, 2009 at 9:16 amThanks for posting the link. We have to post several pics about very rare books. a lor of stuff will be online next week (Neue Grafil #1, publicity in the chemical industry and more)…
D R E W says:
September 28, 2009 at 1:09 pmi have this same book. i found it at a library sale a few years ago. i love the 2 color printing throughout.