1976 Reprinted
It’s hot as hell but luckily the summer-friendly tri-blend edition 1976 Heather Blue shirt by ISO50 is back in stock! Get them while they last this time, it’s going to be a long summer… Link
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It’s hot as hell but luckily the summer-friendly tri-blend edition 1976 Heather Blue shirt by ISO50 is back in stock! Get them while they last this time, it’s going to be a long summer… Link
Stephen Shirley — a family friend — has been battling Hodgkin’s disease for over 2 years now. The cancer has been unresponsive to chemo so Stephen and his family are trying a new treatment center in Houston, TX which has had great results with patients affected by his particularly difficult to treat form of Hodgkin’s. Some friends of Stephen recently launched a website to chronicle his struggle and to raise money for this prohibitively expensive form of treatment. I am sure most of you can relate as cancer is a disease that touches all of our lives in some way. You can check out Stephen’s site here: savingstephen.com
Thank You
There’s a certain point at which you just have to give up on graphic design because the Swiss beat you to it like 30 years ago and you know it. AisleOne has managed to capture that exact point and wrap it up nicely into a flickr album. Enjoy: Graphic Design in Swiss Industry / Schweizer Industrie Grafik Pleasantly reminiscent of the World of Logotypes stuff.
Moby’s got a new album coming and this is the first single. Whether or not you think Moby’s still relevant, he’s probably the only electronic musician who can get David Lynch to direct his video. At any rate, much better than what I heard from him last year and the video is great.
The official music video for Moby’s “Shot in the Back of the Head” directed by David Lynch. From Moby’s forthcoming album “Wait for Me” (out June 30 on Mute).
The debut EP from Vancouver’s synth pop duo Julian Carnrite and Kevin Schmidt has the right idea with a stripped down poppy soundtrack to a late night that is filled with inviting random friends out to hang out and enjoying cheap wine. The song Cool Your Shoes reminds me a little bit of Circlesquare meets Midwest Product, definitely a great cool down track for the long summer nights.
The new Machinedrum LP is finally out and the track Para Did is on repeat all the time at my place, its on this Outkast meets Blackalicious tip. Travis will be doing a lot this year so this won’t be the last time i’ll be posting on him.
I already posted this Fever Ray song but it was the remix, the lyrics won’t get out of my head i’m usually not a big lyrics fan so that means a lot I guess in my small world.
I don’t know much at all about the Clashing Egos but I do know Joakim always comes with the heat on remixes. The producer from Paris take us on a Beverly Hills sounding soundtrack cut with dreamy stabs that never begs for attention and layer upon layer of synth melodies, definitely worth your time.
[audio:coolshoes.mp3] [audio:para.mp3] [audio:growup.mp3] [audio:joakim.mp3]
I’m still chipping away at the project I mentioned last week. One of the requirements is the creation of three products to complement the film festival we are creating and branding. The products can be pretty much anything, but one has to tie conceptually to our overall vision for the project. I have no idea what I’m going to do in this regard, and I figured I would knock out the other products first. I decided to try out Schtickers and get a few custom iPhone/iPod skins made. I can’t imagine ever actually wanting to ruin the impeccable design of either device with a sticker, but for a hypothetical film festival mock up, I figured it could at least be interesting. As I am also creating a website for the festival, I thought the iPhone/iPods would look good next to the laptop displaying the page on presentation day. The “electronic” portion of the festival brand fully fleshed out.
Overall, I would recommend Schtickers if you happen to find yourself in the market for some custom skins. I think they are most useful for in-class projects, or perhaps an unusual gift, but are definitely not a serious design option for professionals. Print quality is fairly good, but nothing close to what you’d get on paper. For my image style, it actually ends up looking dead on, but I can’t imagine many people appreciating the softer edges and slight blur you get with the vinyl print. The design/order process was very easy and smooth, and the stickers arrived within two days. Compared to some of the other vendors I am outsourcing to, this was amazing turnaround.
For the above sticker mock ups, two of the images come from agnusleonard and matstace. For the final versions, I will be using my own tilt-shift work like on the record cover. Next up should be the poster, which if all goes according to plan (when does that ever happen?), should be printed tomorrow.
Semi-related, Zweiphone will make your iPhone look like another, out of date phone. (via Subtraction)
I just came across this recently and was convinced it was a hoax, but apparently this poster was actually posted around London bus routes around October, 2002 in the civil-liberties crushing wake of 9/11. The imagery is shocking to say the least; shocking mostly for the fact that someone, somewhere actually thought this was a good idea. I would love to have been in on the design discussion during the production of this Orwellian gem. Who actually creates this stuff? Did anyone see it when it was up? More info
Apparently we have our very own version of this stateside.
Swiss pharma company Geigy (now Novartis) cranked out tons of drugs and tons of great designs to sell them during their time. The images above are from the book “Corporate Diversity : Swiss Graphic Design and Advertising by Geigy 1940 – 1970” (amazon) which chronicles their best work during that period. There are more images and info over at Things To Look At and Grain Edit.
Images via Things To Look At