Archive for April, 2009

Tuesdays In Brooklyn

Posted by Scott

body language
Are waaaaaay more entertaining than I’m used to. It’s good to be back in Jakub’s neighborhood again. We saw his latest signing (on his Moodgadget imprint), Body Language perform at Machinedrum’s release party tonight, which was amazing (pictured above). It’s far too late though, my schedule is now worse than it was back home where at least it’s still 3am. The shots above are from the new Elph, which has been pulling it’s weight and then some. got the Nikon ready for tomorrow though so should have something good to post, unless this rain keeps up.

Yes, that’s Jakub hoisting a cup of joe: 5am @ Kelloggs. That’s good bacon. And tennis.

Catherine Wagner / Art & Science

Posted by Alex

Photographs by Catherine Wagner from her book Art & Science. They are all part of the same project for which she travelled to major laboratories around the US and captured many different elements of the scientific experience; everything from beakers (my favorite) to bone marrow smears. As the intro states: “The resulting images offer the opportunity to encounter science in an innovative and unusual manner, as they bridge the distances between art, science and everyday life.”

The Books+Simko+Kyle Dunn+Loscil

Posted by Jakub

The Books
One of my favorite Books songs is this Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again, just the pure musical freedom they show off and it working out is inspiring. I might have to go out on a limb and say its the best quality sound with random field recording sampling laid out into an actual song we’ll ever hear maybe.

Kate Simko did a beautiful soundtrack for a science documentary called The Atom Smashers, The Creative Part is a favorite of mine, reminds me of what I love about Philip Glass.

Kyle Bobby Dunn is better known for his piano material, he has this beautiful drone EP called Fervency that is out now, some real gorgeous earthy tones that sweep me up, with the song clocking in over 14+ minutes you’ll be sure to fall in and out of this slightly hypnotic piece.

In my opinion Loscil is legendary for his sound that he has worked on over the years, the only way I could ever replicate is if I dove into a 20 foot deep tub of honey and sat at the bottom and had long bass tones aimed towards me from every angle while I sat and held my breathe. Listen to those slight echoes on the clicks! its like getting lost in playing with your fingers when they’re covered in pine sap and you think you can feel every fingerprint unsticking from the other.

The Books – Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again


Kate Simko – The Creative Part


Kyle Bobby Dunn – Mobiles (There is No End)


Loscil – Diable Marin


NYC April 09

Posted by Scott


I’ll be heading back to my other favorite city today for the F5 fest. I’m staying a few extra days as I haven’t had the chance to really enjoy myself the last few times I’ve been in NYC. Jakub scored some tickets to the Brainfeeder/Flying Lotus show @ Love so we’ll definitely be making it out to that. I’m brining the Nikon and the new little Canon (which, by the way, I’ve been loving) for some undercover HD video action; I’ll post up the results as they roll in.

Amazing photos via Chozno01

Lotus Plaza+Adelaide+Mogwai+Explosions

Posted by Jakub

Lotus Plaza
When I saw Deerhunter live I remember asking myself I hope the guitarist on the right of the stage puts out a record, seems like he was doing most of the melody guitar and effected parts in the songs like some mini Johnny Greenwood. Well that happened and Lotus Plaza did a killer job on the record but I especially love this A Threaded Needle song, it has so many catchy elements of lo-fi post rock. Everything sits in the mix perfectly as well, never asking for your attention just gentle guitar screeches and a vocal that sits in the backseat, couldn’t be happier with the result of this project.

Recently we posted nostalgia filled Adelaide videos on the blog but I can’t just leave you with those, here’s the song Games Without End off their self released EP, this has hints of Sea and Cake and Mercury Program all over the EP but they take it a step closer to what I want to hear which is film soundtrack music that is equal to a Cinnabun in the cinnamon roll world, just an overwhelming ooze of frosting and warmth. If you like this check out other projects from the band like Small Sails or Ethan Rose.

A pretty low key one from Mogwai, definitely nice to lose yourself in this one and think your somewhere else.

This Explosions In The Sky song might be the rowdiest Monday song ever posted just epic the factor alone makes it feel like you won Tour de France and the World Cup at the same time, don’t use it as a exercise song either, you break something important.

Lotus Plaza – A Threaded Needle


Adelaide – Games Without End


Mogwai – The Sun Smells Too Loud


Explosions In The Sky – With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept


Can design save the newspaper?

Posted by Alex

Polish designer Jacek Utko on the impending doom of the printed newspaper, and how good design could turn things around. His statistics certainly are convincing, and I hope for the sake of my morning routine that he’s right. I would really hate to see the printed edition become extinct. Watch the TED version here.

He mentions it briefly, but when he says “this is the new role of the designer: to be in the process from the very beginning to the very end”, that is the biggest take away for me. The role of the designer is definitely changing, and our value now has a lot more to do with how we think than what we can do with a blank page.