Archive for February, 2009

Phoenix+Mux Mool+Royksopp

Posted by Jakub

I don’t post many really upbeat poppy songs on here but its Friday and Phoenix have a new LP coming out and i’m super geeked to find out if its going to be great. It’s been almost 9 years since they released United which I first heard in the Ghostly International office as a intern and fell in love. I feel this track 1901 is going to be played really loud at every bar by June as a LAST CALL song which is good and also really really bad at the same time.

Mux Mool has a new EP coming out in March and has leaked a new song (that will stay unreleased) with the info on the “Just Saying Is All EP”. Nausican has this morning strut feel to it, you know that feeling when your having a good morning and saying hi to all the neighbors kind of like that Blackalicious track Make You Feel That Way.

Alright i’m not sold on this new Royksopp, its not what I like about the earlier material and it’s way too poppy for my taste. What do you guys think?

Phoenix – 1901


Phoenix – Too Young


Mux Mool – Nausican


Royksopp – Happy Up Here


Royksopp – Happy Up Here Video

Modernism 101: H.N. Werkman

Posted by Scott

I’ve always been a huge fan of books on modernism, but unless you’re Dave from Grain Edit, it’s pretty hard to get your hands on the good stuff. And so it was with great pleasure that I stumbled onto Modernism 101 booksellers. the site, featuring a vast collection of rare and out of print books on modern design and architecture, serves up cover images and very detailed information on a wide array of classic design texts. Many of the books featured are have sold, but they archive the pages so it’s a great resource for images and information on many books that you’ll probably not find elsewhere. I’ll be running a (hopefully) weekly feature aptly titled “Modernism 101” highlighting the best examples from their collection.

Today’s selection is a collection of Dutch printmaker H.N. Werkman’s work edited by Fridolin Müller. Enjoy!

Fridolin Müller

Fridolin Müller (editor), Peter Althaus (introduction): H. N. WERKMAN. NYC: Hastings House, 1967. First edition. Tri-lingual edition in English, German and French. A near-fine hardcover book in decorated glazed paper boards issued without a Dust Jacket: trace of wear overall. Interior textblock in fine condition. Volume Two in a projected four-volume set called Documents in the Visual Arts. A nice copy of a scarce book.

8.5 x 9.75 hardcover book with 104 pages with 79 plates (14 in color) of Werkman’s avant-garde Dutch typography. H. N. WERKMAN presents the most extensive published collection of Werkman’s typography to date. My highest recommendation.

Beautifully designed and printed by Verlag Arthur Niggli in Switzerland with the plate engraving and printing setting a new standard for the reproduction of the presented artwork. Spot colors are used throughout for maximum color fidelity.

Dutch designer and printmaker Hendrik Werkman (1882 1945) is best known for his innovative printing techniques and avant-garde typography. As publisher of De Blauwe Schuitt, a series of underground booklets produced by Jewish dissident poets and writers during the Nazi occupation of Holland, Werkman was imprisoned by German secret police in 1945 and executed without trial just three days before the country¹s liberation.

out of stock

Via Modernism 101

Odd Nosdam+Charles Trees+Max Tundra

Posted by Jakub

I’ve been in love with some of the songs on the new Odd Nosdam LP that just came out this month on the hard working Anticon label. I haven’t really heard anything like this song Ethereal Slap since Marumari’s Supermogadon which definitely isn’t as heavy hitting. Root Bark by Odd Nosdam is more soundtrack-ish but really is unhateable, perfect for a skateboarding soundtrack which I think is what this LP is suppose to be for.

Fans of Samiyam and Flying Lotus need to check out Charles Trees, he has an upbeat crunchy authentic sound that might be able to find in Daedelus’ but also hits as hard as Dabrye.

I’m always happy to hear and support Max Tundra, he is needed in music because he breaks down pop barriers and weeds out and finds the real music lovers that care for avant pop, the video below is shot in such a simple yet attractive way in my mind, reminds me of some Electric Company promo.

Odd Nosdam – Ethereal Slap


Odd Nosdam – Root Bark


Charles Trees – It’s The…


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again Video

Polish Design: Tonpress Record Sleeves

Posted by Scott

We all know Polish design is amazing, but every now and then you need a good reminder. Karl forwarded me a Wanken post on the Tonpress sleeves you see above. Tonpress was a government-controlled Polish record label in the 80’s and from the looks of it, they had some quality design staff hanging around. If you want to sift through all the links, lots more cover art is here.

Images via Wanken

P.S. Be sure to check out Karl’s blog, it’s got a new skin that’s dripping with minimal goodness.


Posted by Jakub

Bernard Fleischmann
These 3 songs by Bernhard Fleischmann, Wisp, and Departure Lounge are good examples of 3 completely different genres that I really wouldn’t know how to tag with a specific genre. Wisp on one hand sounds like he should be making all the fantasy video game music for any World of Warcraft game in 2010 specifically any epic winter levels. Bernhard Fleischmann sounds like a sped up Mum song that put the guitar and drums priority in the mixdown while Departure Lounge has more of a northern Midwest feel with layered finger picking and some gently placed feedback that’d probably drive a mastering guy nuts.

I’m not sure where I remember first seeing this La Serenissima video but it hit my nostalgia button right away, seems like the studio that drew the original G.I. Joe animated series must of done it, i’m not exactly sure though. I wish more cartoons we’re drawn like this, i’d probably watch them religiously.

Bernhard Fleischmann – Composure


Wisp – Where It Falls


Departure Lounge – Alone Again But…


Allegro Milano – La Serenissima


Allegro Milano – La Serenissima

Milton Glaser Hillman Curtis

Posted by Alex

I’ve always loved the artist series over at Hillman Curtis. Very well produced and put together films; my only complaint is that they are so few and far between. Scott’s recent post reminded me to go back and watch this one on Milton Glaser. I love hearing design heavyweights like him talk about the big issues in design. As far as I know, he still teaches at SVA occasionally—how fascinating it must be to have him as a teacher!

I also enjoyed the films on music video director Mark Romanek, and conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner.