Archive for the Record Covers Category

Delicious Library

Posted by Beamer


So, I’m sure most of you have heard of Delicious Library already, but the mastermind Wil Shipley released the iPhone companion this morning (iTunes link), along with v2.1.

Delicious Library has a lot of neat features that I simply don’t use, but the best use I’ve found for it so far is cataloging your vinyl collection. Unfortunately you have to manually enter everything, as well as find the album art yourself… but it’s really handy to have your collection in a lusciously designed searchable beast in your pocket.


It’s $40, but the demo let’s you add 25 items so you can play. The iPhone app is free.

Also, be sure to check out this fun stop-motion video introducing the iPhone app.

Polish Design: Tonpress Record Sleeves

Posted by Scott

We all know Polish design is amazing, but every now and then you need a good reminder. Karl forwarded me a Wanken post on the Tonpress sleeves you see above. Tonpress was a government-controlled Polish record label in the 80’s and from the looks of it, they had some quality design staff hanging around. If you want to sift through all the links, lots more cover art is here.

Images via Wanken

P.S. Be sure to check out Karl’s blog, it’s got a new skin that’s dripping with minimal goodness.

Branca+Addled+Simon+The Sea and Cake

Posted by Jakub

Glenn Branca
My friend Danny passed on a Glenn Branca EP to me tonight, one that I didn’t have and we started talking about him. Glenn Branca seems to be the poster boy for all the experimental guitar bands that want to do something new these days but they don’t understand that they can’t repeat the past and pretend like their doing something groundbreaking. I don’t think anyone these days would be able to put out music similar to what Glenn Branca did during the time he was doing it, you’d only be doing it for the wrong reasons. This new wave of bands in the past 8 years or so are enjoyable but in my opinion just come off as “I need attention but don’t actually look at what i’m doing because i’m actually not creative at all”. Sadly these musicians today can buy their way into sounding and mainly looking like they have some talent. Walking up and down the streets of Brooklyn you can almost smell and see the fake talent, at first you can fall for it but then talking to more and more people you end up finding out they aren’t offering up anything pure or willing to potentially going mental to perfect their technic and sound. I just want people like Glenn Branca to get more credit because listing him off as an influence only is almost saying that your similar to him but you aren’t you actually have to take any of the time that you’re getting any attention and use it thank the originator.

Addled is half of Worst Friends and he loves his Boston Red Sox, sharing what great good house/techno records come out on Tuesdays, and most importantly making a variety of music. Recently he’s worked on music that was used in a Prada video and in the past he made some of the music for The New York Times. His first EP as Addled is one that follows the footsteps of James Holden and Paul Kalkbrenner but touches a new level of listening since its less clubby than both and is more on the deeper side and melodic side.

I feel like I post a lot of Paul Simon but really I don’t actually if anything I don’t post enough Paul Simon.

I always thought I liked Sam Prekop more than The Sea and Cake but then I listened to some more Sea and Cake and realized I was thinking crazy things. Whenever I have to deal with the rock guy that thinks electronic music is too repetitive than I just have to share with him The Sea and Cake and say Its not that you don’t like repetitiveness because obviously this is amazing, it’s just that the person doesn’t care for unique sounds or can fathom the idea a synth playing more parts than their are people on stage and that just ticks him right off.

Glenn Branca – Lesson No. 1 for Electric Guitar


Addled – Heartbreachno


Paul Simon – The Coast


The Sea and Cake – Weekend


Tycho Live In SF: Ghostly 10 Year Anniv.

Posted by Scott


Update: The L.A. installment of the show has been set for Sunday Mar. 8th. More info is on the events page, get advance tickets here.

Ghostly International’s 10th birthday is fast approaching and they’re having anniversary shows in San Francisco and Los Angeles to celebrate. I’ll be playing the first date on Friday, March 6th, 2009 at Mezzanine in San Francisco. As far as I know, the line up will be the same for L.A., but I don’t have all the details for that show yet. This should be a great night filled with a lot of great performances by the Ghostly crew. You can snag some advance tickets for $5 off here. Hope to see you all out, here’s all the details:


10 Year Anniversary
1st Installment – SF!

Featuring LIVE performances by
TYCHO / ISO50 (live music & visuals) (set time: 12:20am)


Doors at 10 PM – 4 AM
Tycho set time: 12:20am

$15 Advance
$20 at the Door

444 Jessie Street @ Mint
San Francisco, California 94103

The Alan Parsons Project Pyramid

Posted by Beamer


Where do I even begin? Alan Parsons is beyond epic. He never leaves my turntable, car, or iTunes playlists. Always on repeat.

At 18, Alan had his hands on the Abbey Road tapes while working at Abbey Road Studios, and shortly thereafter engineered The Dark Side of the Moon. This guy was a machine.

Pyramid is my favorite release of the group, though AllMusic calls it “average,” and claims that isn’t a necessity. Shame on them.

Which one is your favorite release?

The Alan Parsons Project – What Goes Up


The Alan Parsons Project – Hyper-Gamma Spaces


A semi-related treat:

Hatful of Hollow

Posted by Scott

The Smiths - Hatful Of Hollow
I definitely count The Smiths’ 1984 Hatful of Hollow as one of my top 20 all time. This is one of those albums that makes you want to post the whole thing but I thought it would be a good challenge to try to narrow it down to three songs. I posted the re-issue version of the cover—featuring a cropped version of Gilles Decroix’s now iconic image (layout/design by Caryn Gough)—as I prefer its design to the bordered original. I really like the overall visual style of their release art, that sort of duo-tone screen print thing that Belle & Sebastian later used to such great effect. Out of the three standout tracks I ended up choosing, at least one of them—This Night Has Opened My Eyes—would make both my top 50 songs and top 10 basslines list. I love that smooth 70’s DI tone, always amazing how good a lot of the older Peel Session tracks sound considering they weren’t studio recordings in the conventional sense.

This Night Has Opened My Eyes


Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I want


How Soon Is Now?


Experimental Aircraft

Posted by Scott

Jeff Toll turned me on to a new group tonight: the Austin, TX based psych-rock outfit Experimental Aircraft. Loving the intensity of this particular track, “Upper East Side” from their “Third Transmission” album. On a side note, the album cover was auto-generated in MS Paint as part of a machine intelligence experiment. First a machine is fed basic parameters and then it generates various shapes, at each step randomly determining whether or not to anti-alias the shapes. It then adds a lens flare.

Experimental Aircraft – Upper East Side



Posted by Jakub

Tangerine Dream - PolandEveryone knows what the Risky Business Soundtrack cover looks like so I figured I’d use this chance to post one of my top 10 favorite album covers: the Tangerine Dream Poland cover (above). Love On A Real Train is just so grabbing and epic, for me its really one of those songs that I wish I would of made. This Peter Broderick track made me realize that i’m a sucker for repetitive finger picking. I heard about Peter Broderick thru a Norwegian guest that i had staying over that performed under the name The Library Tapes, I’m glad I finally looked into his Home LP. I was really just expecting this Paul Kalkbrenner track to be another techno track but its not at all, its this dubby shuffle simple track that is being used for this movie soundtrack called “Berlin Calling“, i’d file it under “If Radiohead made simple dubby techno and didn’t use Greenwood to help”. This Clap Your Hands Say Yeah song in my mind couldn’t be better, I could put it on my headphones and block out anything I don’t want to think about and just become instantly happy, everyone needs one of these “In Case Of An Emergency, Break Glass and Listen” tracks in their lives.

Tangerine Dream – Love On A Real Train


Peter Broderick – Below It


Paul Kalkbrenner – Aaron


Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – In This Home On Ice
