Search Results for: pharm

Swiss Graphic Design: Geigy

Posted by Scott

Swiss pharma company Geigy (now Novartis) cranked out tons of drugs and tons of great designs to sell them during their time. The images above are from the book “Corporate Diversity : Swiss Graphic Design and Advertising by Geigy 1940 – 1970” (amazon) which chronicles their best work during that period. There are more images and info over at Things To Look At and Grain Edit.

Images via Things To Look At

Espacios Publicitarios

Posted by Scott

184678510_bc5e5e5991_o I’m always amazed by the number of pharmacies in Spain (they’re everywhere) and also by the package design of the products in the pharmacies.  They aren’t quite as good as these examples anymore, but still a whole lot better than we have in the states. 

These images, from ex.novo’s "Espacios Publicitarios" Flickr set featuring 60’s and 70’s Spanish ads, were sent my way via Andrew Standfield. I absolutely love the illustrations. Would love to do a redesign or incorporate then into a poster.