New Myspace, Too late even if its great?

Posted by Jakub

**log in denied** Does anyone even remember their myspace password? I don’t. I mean look the new Myspace, yeah its visually appealing, it will probably run smoother than any social site out there, and it does everything I need it to if I want music. My first 2 issues that come to mind: sifting thru the content/mass spam from the past to prep it to make my site look as good as Justin Timberlake’s. Second, being a musician and having to care for another site, at this point maybe if they paid me $5 a week i’d consider it.

Honestly, good for them but I see this being kind of a Zune thing, it just came too late in the game, most of us that have a life on the internet are just to settled in with our Rdios, Facebooks, Tumblrs, and Twitters.

13 Comments Leave A Comment


thisisvictorkim says:

September 24, 2012 at 2:20 pm

I posted this reply to a DJ/Producing acquaintance of mine who was quick to praise the new redesign in lieu of Facebook:

This is pretty interesting. However in my opinion I feel like the damage has already been done to Myspace’s image. I doubt that the Facebook population will migrate backwards towards a tarnished brand to A, join another social netowrk (see the lack of interaction moving forward to Google+) to B, discover new music. While the new Myspace might be catered towards musicians, today’s fans (ie the majority) have already settled on YouTube, iTunes, and blogs as their music portals (I would argue soundcloud and mixcloud, and even Spotify/Rdio, are not mainstream yet).

I don’t mean to be a debbie downer or comment-troll, I do agree that Facebook is not optimal for musicians – and artists in general – to share there work. It’s more or less a launchpad to share outside links to the previously mentioned, more or less, struggling music social networks where it’s then up to the artist to sift through droves of comments and likes (if you’re lucky enough to already have a fanbase) to determine successful trends. I just think this is an important dialogue to keep open and I’m very curious to see what the future holds.


Anonymous says:

September 24, 2012 at 2:26 pm

Well, I’ve been using for a while now, and to me it just makes so much more sense as a model, and does it a lot better.


Jakub says:

September 24, 2012 at 2:44 pm

@ANONYMOUS I like too but I find myself on hypem more often than anywhere else because the filter comes down to blogs I know that are delivering music they love and I trust their opinion.


Robert says:

September 24, 2012 at 4:00 pm

@TIM Is is possible to overcome their stigma. I had a conversation about such a topic recently with the subject of Yahoo. I personally feel is it easier if they just threw-away the brand MySpace, release it under a new name, and hope to heaven the press doesn’t get ahold its under the same group.

I feel people, in the recent-age are willing to, attempt to try a new service, platform, than resort to a past-time failure, aka: MySpace. But, it is anybody’s call I suppose, I mean, companies ditching Google Maps, for TomTom and Yelp, – so as the table turns.


chris lopo says:

September 24, 2012 at 4:23 pm

For me it seems that a short test worth. For musicians without official websites (and I see a lot of musicians and bands with their .com domains pointing to Facebook, and is completely lame), this new Myspace can be a powerful tool if well used.

I’ve used the first version of My Space, that one were you could edit almos everything with css and html codes inside any info area. There were no patterns, as well there were no other social website. Until Facebook…

Facebook is for improving your social network. This new Myspace can be the new space for musicians.

Keep the mind opened and give it a try. If it sucks, you’d wasted only 5 min. of your life. :)


SneakyBoy says:

September 24, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Who wants to give up their posts and profiles to start over? You cannot overthrow Facebook outright. Whatever replaces it will need to offer innovations that progress us through a natural evolution out of a “Social Network” and into the realm of social-integrated “Augmented Reality.” Don’t call it a “comeback,” Myspace won’t get very far without offering avenues of transition out of Facebook. Social Network sites are old news, we know better than to leave our “old” virtual lives behind and jump ship.

That is not to say that Myspace is a bust. It could even earn its right to be considered among the top social networks if they create for themselves a niche like with musicians & visual artists by offering them unique innovations to showcase their work and track their fan-base.

One day, however, there will come along some innovation, some advancement in technology, or some combination of the two and it will bridge the gaps between these social networks, a conglomeration with one interface, one experience.


Antoine says:

September 25, 2012 at 3:47 am

It actually looks litterally like the zune software interface. They’re so so so similar its kind of disconcerning…


tyler says:

September 25, 2012 at 10:08 am

you hate everyone on facebook, we’ve all quit because of it. now this is just a perfect chance to get away. and hopefully the people who feel the same will leave and leave all the tards and like this kid to save his life shit will die on facebook


DIY says:

September 25, 2012 at 1:39 pm

Speaking of Zune, I get a Windows 8 vibe from this redesign, maybe Microsoft is behind this kinda unexpected project? But it actually makes sense for them to get into social networking. I disagree with Robert, I think MySpace is still a strong brand with a lot of potential. But judging by that video the interface seems cluttered with features, they really need to streamline as much as possible, IMO.


Andrew says:

September 27, 2012 at 3:36 pm

I agree with your last sentence. I could see maybe a younger generation getting into this but there is no way I could make the switch.


Ana says:

September 29, 2012 at 5:36 am

The screen-captures looked interesting, but I found myself agreeing with the accompanying text… until I viewed the video – now I’m intrigued and happy that I have an old MySpace account.

Joining another network is out of the question for me, but going back to an old one isn’t, especially if it proves to function well. was amazing, but they stopped radio, a big part of my “discover new music” experience, years ago for non-US and non-Germany based users.

The US might have all those other sites, but a lot of them are, for one reason or another, not working for non-US residents.


John says:

January 6, 2013 at 9:04 pm

I’ve tried the new.Myspace and its brilliant.!!

Like spotify, but for free. Sideways scrolling , targeted at tablets I guess, and no its not a facebook killer, its a spotify/lastfm killer.

If you like free music and are a big music fan , this is one to add. It complements my soundcloud collection with a few more commercial artist’s

You can make your own plalists , called mixes , ad-free…

not sure what their business model is , but the rate facebook is going, I would switch to anything else that’s not google… maybe if I can convince my friends to join it , I can toss facebook away..