Jesu+His Name Is Alive+Aguayo+Rebolledo
Experimental rocker Jesu remixes School of Seven Bells, the remix is very similar to something that maybe Apparat or The Reflecting Skin would of done I think which includes heavy dry kicks and swells, definitely one of my favorite remixes in 2009.
Recently listened to a mix by Philip Sherburne and it started off with this His Name Is Alive track which I thought was a group that has some ok records but this instrumental should be followed up by a whole series of songs like this, i’m sure i’d not be the only one buying that record up.
More electronic music producers need to be making music videos that they’ve done if they have some decent taste like this Rebolledo one that just features Matias Aguayo walking around on the beach eating ice cream and singing the song. The drummer is the the best part, I have no idea what he’s playing with but he’s looking great doing it hah. I hope to see younger musicians like Seth Troxler take on a project like this because he’s almost at this level and has the imagination for it. The video is also refreshing for Techno/House and it also made me revisit Matias Aguayo’s first record “Are You Really Lost” which blew me away again. On a side note: That Theremin sound will kinda get to you, might actually turn you away but I guess its more about the bassline at times for me and vox.
[audio:jesu.mp3] [audio:starings.mp3] [audio:soinlove.mp3] [audio:pitaya.mp3]

3 Comments Leave A Comment
philip sherburne says:
July 21, 2009 at 6:19 amHey Jakub, you should check out the first HNIA album on 4AD, “Livonia,” I believe it’s called (whence I pulled the track on the mix). It’s by far the most “out” of his 4AD releases, lots of tape loops and ambient drift. A wonderful album, really.
I love your graphics, btw!
Jakub says:
July 21, 2009 at 10:57 amphilip sherburne –
Definitely will, thanks for the heads up
Ruari says:
January 16, 2010 at 1:28 pmthanks guys, the HNIA is fabulous !