Linda Aldredge’s Treehouse
Linda Aldredge is a graphic designer and the creative mind behind LuLu Organics. Also, SHE LIVES IN A FACKING TREE FORT. This is so amazing I can’t even put it into words, the pictures will have to fill in the blanks. Judging by the interior shots I’m pretty sure I would have a hard time coping with the rather spartan accommodations. But, of course, living in a treehouse would probably more than make up for any lack of modern accouterments. The best part is that the whole thing cost like $12,000 or something and runs entirely on solar. I really love the modern design of the exterior; it looks like it belongs right where it is. The house — situated in upstate New York — was designed by Kursten Bracchi and built by her and some friends. The images above are from an InHabitat article about the house which delves a bit deeper into the whys and hows of the whole situation. There’s also an in-depth look at the build process at DominoMag.
Seeing stuff like this makes me realize I’m going to wake up one day when I’m 60 and realize I never really did anything all that adventurous in my life. Maybe on that day I will decide to go into the forest and build a tree house, but I seriously doubt it and I also doubt that solar panels could provide the 200 jigawatts required to power my studio, even in 2037. Of course, all of this is likely moot as by that time we will have been enslaved by some sort of robot overlords and/or the Illuminati or whatever. But not Linda Aldredge, she’ll still be kicking it in the woods all off-the-grid style with her solar panels and iPod like that old couple in Children of Men. What? Anyways, point is, it would be cool to live in a treehouse.
13 Comments Leave A Comment
chris says:
March 22, 2009 at 11:36 pm200 jigawatts?? great scott. (literally this time)
I was reading about the bathroom situation, au naturale. I think that might be the only problem for me, other than that, I would be down for a weekend retreat.
NAVIS says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:12 amFirst photo is breath taking.
But as cool of an idea as this is… why in upstate New York?
Screw tree forts… I’m going to build a modern designer IGLOOOOO in Barrow, AK.
My bright pink iPod will NEVER get lost in that place.
H says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:23 amScott,
Have not seen this movie “The Tree Lover” myself but heard it was good;
Kristian says:
March 23, 2009 at 3:41 amWhat a quirky little place! This reminds me of a programme we have over here in the UK called Grand Designs. The basic premise; following a conversion or the build of some remarkable looking and functioning homes. Converting anything from Castles, Chapels, Unused Water Processing Plants, etc. Through to self designed houses and kit houses etc.
I feel having a specifically designed home, with a self designed office space would benefit me tremendously and allow those creative juices to flow. One build a designer built his own tower as a second building away from the house and his work space was situation at the top of this tower, giving him 360 degree views over some stunning scenery. Inspiring stuff.
I’m not sure if there is anyway you can watch it in the US. Heres a couple of 3 minute clips provided by channel 4.
tom says:
March 23, 2009 at 6:34 pmhm. pretty nice at first. i mean conceptually a lot of fun. but, i looked at her blog (curious to see what her design work looked like) and got a bit overwhelmed by all the photos of trees and mushrooms.
EJ says:
March 23, 2009 at 9:34 pm
interesting article about tree dwellings
Tardlovski says:
March 24, 2009 at 7:57 pmshe’s living the life i like. good wholesome natural ass living.
Bernat says:
March 26, 2009 at 9:14 amHahaha nice reflexion…
B says:
April 7, 2009 at 10:00 pmThe outside design screams “tropical modernism” to me (although upstate newyork doesnt seem very trpoical).. speaking of which, scott are you familliar with the work of geoffrey bawa?
J says:
October 26, 2009 at 1:56 pmPretty funny about being enslaved by the Illuminati—I think that has already happened, although I would simply call them the Council on Foreign Relations. I am about to go live in a tree house for that very reason.