Read Between the Leading Podcast
Read Between the Leading is a design podcast started by SCAD students Aaron Heth and Matt McInerney. They release just about one show per week and discuss a diverse range of design topics; everything from the Tropicana fiasco to a new name for the @ symbol. They usually have one guest per show, and they’ve already had Mark Simonson, Antonio from AisleOne, and the Grain Edit team on so far. You can listen on their website or subscribe in iTunes.
I never listen to the radio, and have never been able to incorporate podcasts into my routine, but I’ve been trying to keep up with RBTL. I love geeking out over design, and I don’t find many opportunities to do so outside of school. I also continue to be fascinated by differences between design programs across the country, and it’s great to hear the perspectives of students from schools like SCAD. Aaron and Matt do a good job compiling relevant and interesting issues to talk about; their passion for design is definitely contagious. They are still working out some kinks, but I could see the show really blowing up as they hit their stride. Anyone else had a chance to listen? I’d be interested to hear what you all think of the show.

3 Comments Leave A Comment
NAVIS says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:16 amI say we just start an underground movement to change the @ symbol. So… someone design a better one and I’ll start using it haha.
faber. says:
March 23, 2009 at 5:59 amAlex,
I won that Moleskin two episodes ago for renaming the @ symbol to be called a Univar.
I like listening too, but they really need to invest in some better audio equipment.
mhettler says:
March 23, 2009 at 9:25 amAlex, thanks for the info on RBtL, I’ll have to check it out.
Also, I too have become increasingly interested in the differences between design schools, especially now that grad school looks to be quickly approaching. Since graduating, I’ve had the chance to work with a handful of people who studied elsewhere, and it’s always fascinating to me to see how their philosophies toward design differ subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) from what I was taught. If you’re into seeing what kind of projects design students at other schools are working on and discussing design with them, you should check out onthebackwall.
It just launched, so it’s still pretty basic, and there aren’t too many people using it yet, but it should be a cool site once the word gets out. Hopefully this doesn’t come across as some cheesy comments section infomercial, but it would be great to see some iso50-endorsed work on the site as well…
Anyway, seeing as this is my first comment after months of troll-dom, I should probably mention how much I enjoy checking out this blog every day — keep up the great work guys!