The Colours of Infinity
Posted by Scott
Paddy Duke sent in this great video about Fractals.
"Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set) in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry. This show relates the science of the M-Set to nature in a way that seems to identify the hand of God in the design of the universe itself. Dr. Mandelbrot in 1980 discovered the infinitely complex geometrical shape called the Mandelbrot Set using a very simple equation with computers and graphics."

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Jason says:
December 20, 2007 at 6:23 amOne of the themes that draws me to this page (and to all of ISO50’s work) is his integration of art and science in Scott’s work — specifically the science of geometry.
I’ve had an affinity for geometry since I was first introduced to it. It informs my own taste and design aesthetic, but it also strikes me as a discipline which reveals an ever-growing number of truths about the world around us — from the physical, to the metaphysical to the spiritual.
Scott: Your work strikes a wonderful balance between organic & geometric form. I love it!
I recently came across something that seems very relevant to this post, so I thought I’d pass it along for those who are interested.
This is a truly incredible story, and I found it by accident (or perhaps not). In it, Ron Eglash — a mathematician — describes his study of the geometric fractals found in African villages, how/why they were created, and the link between the social and mathematic elements in life. (if this sounds dry to you, the video may be even dryer…. but it’s still fascinating.) Many of the overhead pictures he shows remind me of the image in this post.
I also wanted to pass along the link to this book on Amazon. It’s called “The Geometry and Art of Life,” and I can’t recommend it enough. I owned this book for several years before I actually made use of it. The first time I picked it up it was way too dry to hold my interest. This summer, I took it off my bookshelf again, grabbed a notebook and actually spent 2 hours with it. The concepts explained in the first five pages alone blew my mind. For the first time in over a decade, I did some algebra. It was scary at first, but anyone with an education is capable of doing the same. For the thinkers and the artists out there — this one’s worth the $8.95… even if you only make it through 5 or 6 pages.
Geometry holds many truths for those willing to explore it!
thomas says:
December 24, 2007 at 4:22 pmas a fractal “artist” (i should say programmer) i was extremely disappointed by this presentation :/ almost none of the real magic of fractals was conveyed, like for example the incredible patterns one can create using iterated function systems.
btw scott, your graphic design and music work is utterly amazing, i’ll be watching, listening and taking notes for years :) maybe one day i’ll find the well from which you draw all your inspiration, there’s certainly more than enough for two :P
ivan says:
December 26, 2007 at 2:50 pmgreat! thanx for that movie. i’d try it on Adobe Flash=)
giagjxjlwk says:
April 23, 2008 at 6:49 pmWow, cool man, big thanks!