The Grammar of Ornament
Posted by Scott
A nice plate from Owen Jone’s 1856 "The Grammar of Ornament". I really like this original version best; I have the new version which is not quite as vibrant. I hear there is a "professional artist" edition on CD-ROM which is supposed to be truer to the original.
Via Eric Gjerde‘s Flickr

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Erik says:
December 18, 2007 at 4:56 pmwow that is really interesting. you can see where m.c. escher got his inspiration
mojo says:
January 17, 2008 at 1:22 amwhoa! i had to do a project in one of my design classes 3 months ago using a pattern from this book. the first thing it reminded me of was your work. the patterns look very similar to your backgrounds and layering. the pattern i chose is actually on this chinese ornament page! by the way, A on the project, heck yes.
ME says:
November 9, 2009 at 12:02 pm1st & 4th pattern is not china… This is Mongolian Pattern