2009 debut music videos
Fever Ray – If I Had a Heart from Mute Records on Vimeo.
Go (Widescreen) from 800beloved on Vimeo.
The Knife is back but only half back and without Olof. Before I get into this video, how was the name The Knife not taken by a hair metal band in the 80s? Well if you want to see darkness then look no further than this video. The one part when all you see is a bed of bodies in the empty pool outside of the mansion will not get out of my head, the shots are wonderful all the way thru. Congrats to Mute on putting a budget together in a crazy time during early 2009 and delivering a wonderful piece like this.
I’ll be posting more about 800beloved very soon but to just give you a taste here is the video for “Go”. Sean Lynch has one of the best voices you’ll hear debut in 2009. Think who sings colder and more distant than what you hear, its like his voice is the boldest grey, you can’t even compare it Joy Division or The Cure.
The beautifully shot “White As Diamond” video by Ryan Jeffery gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it, part of me was happy that I didn’t rely on the shots color which is what usually gets me but more of the cold northern woodsy landscapes are what grabbed me.

9 Comments Leave A Comment
Luis Alves says:
January 14, 2009 at 2:50 pmCheers Jakub!! Fever ray it’s brilliant!!
Clint says:
January 14, 2009 at 3:04 pmI totally didn’t realize how much I was wanting another Knife album to come out until i watched this vid.
Fever Ray is great though.
For some reason this video reminds me of the movie “apocalypse now”
ken (from betterPropaganda) says:
January 14, 2009 at 4:20 pmJust finished listening to the Fever album – it’s great.
I thought instantly of Echo and the Bunnymen the first time I heard 800Beloved.
Happy NY
Anonymous says:
January 14, 2009 at 5:33 pmMe too. Cheers man :) http:// jobstaxi.com
Carl says:
January 15, 2009 at 5:58 amwow…that fever ray vid is dark. really well done, though. i’ve been looking forward to that album ever since i heard the announcement!
Ken says:
January 15, 2009 at 5:42 pmHahah, i know Alela. very sweet girl. Kind of funny seeing this, i guess its kind of odd seeing people that are from my town get famous and become names that people know, when before it was just someone i see play around town when there was nothing to do on a school night. i wonder if people realize that all these people are from the same town, Alela, Joanna Newsom, Zack Hill, Mariee, and so fourth.
Bryn says:
January 16, 2009 at 12:17 pmwhat ken said :)
admic says:
January 5, 2010 at 12:47 pm4KQ6ru =)))))0000000(((((=