ISO50 + Tycho 30% Off Sale
Posted by ISO50
A big heads up that we’re having a 30% off sale now through Monday on Tycho / ISO50 prints and shirts at the shop. We’re also doing free shipping on US orders of $50 or more and $5 flat shipping on International orders of $75 or more through the end of the year. We’ve restocked a lot of designs and there are some brand new items available as well so there’s a lot more to choose from now.

2 Comments Leave A Comment
jordan says:
November 30, 2013 at 11:19 amJust what I was looking forward to! Someone take my wallet away I’m buying too many posters.
53T says:
December 1, 2013 at 8:27 amSame here. Picked up a few of the 11x15s. Anyone have any suggestions for reasonably priced mattes/frames that will do these prints justice?