Shadowy Men+Chessie+A.C.+Small Sins
I hope some of you are sketch comedy fans here, i’m sure if Scott and I could add one more element to the site we would post youtube videos of Tim and Eric or other Adult Swim shows. For me comedy started with the Canadian show Kids In The Hall that was produced by SNL’s Lorne Michaels. The theme song to this show was by a group called “Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet” I’m sure many of us here that grew up close to Canada can hum the bassline to this theme song flawlessly.
I usually check out every release on Plug Research since they put out quality artists like John Tejada, Dntel, etc. I found this classic jam really catchy, it would of probably been huge in the 70’s but it reminds me alil too much of the song “We Will Rock You” but if you can get over that then this track has some parts to offer.
I look back and I don’t think I posted one Animal Collective song here and that blows my mind alil. So without posting one of their hit singles here is “Visiting Friends” a 12 min entrancing psych-folk song.
Small Sins is a very easy listen, super simple for a indie rock song in my opinion and I can’t help myself comparing the songs to Yo La Tengo or even Brendan Canning of Broken Social Scene.

5 Comments Leave A Comment
vitamin k says:
November 17, 2008 at 2:45 pmkids in the hall! i’d forgotten about that show They used to show that at some un-godly hour of the morning here in the UK. Always hated the fact that there was never anyone else who watched it to talk to it about.
“I am squashing you head!”
roberto says:
November 17, 2008 at 6:41 pmyeah, me too. only me and my brothers watched kids in the hall. here in brazil comedy fans are considered nerds in the highest way. i think great the fact of put some skecth videos on the blog. it’s a great inspiration for me (i don’t know if works).
Jon says:
November 17, 2008 at 9:42 pmBeing from Canada, that song and show hold a special place in my heart
Andrew S. says:
November 18, 2008 at 12:57 pmThat Chessie song is the best on the album. Good choice.