Afghtiga Model Collection
Posted by Scott
You may remember Swiss flickr user Afghtiga as the guy who collects various design icons in the form of consumer electronics and catalogs them with beautiful photographs. Well he also has an equisitely detailed scale-model collection featuring Le Mans cars from the 60’s and 70’s which he has ben photographing as well.
I used to do a fair amount of model building as a kid but I never got anywhere near this level of detail. I wonder if he build them himself or if these are just those super-expensive ones you’d see pre-built at model shops. Either way, love the shots.
More models at Afghtiga’s Flickr

5 Comments Leave A Comment
Anonymous says:
December 22, 2011 at 5:07 pmThese are gorgeous. The detail is amazing for being models!
Brian Park says:
December 22, 2011 at 11:56 pmThese are great. I shot some photos of a friend’s model collection a while back too; people put an incredible amount of effort into these things.
Ian says:
December 23, 2011 at 8:20 amEven better, it looks like (from the Flickr captions) that these aren’t just models, they’re slotcars. Awesome!
BossnotBoss says:
December 25, 2011 at 10:42 amDamnit. You’ve reminded me that I used to be obsessed on models and now I must mentally prepare for yet another project—who needs sleep anyway
Chad Wixom says:
December 25, 2011 at 6:13 pmHey Scott, nice to see your website is kickin. I have been outs for a while. I last met you with Ghostly in Seatlle at Decible Festival. We talked for a while and discussed freelance. Not sure if you will remember me. I’m currently in Maui and shooting some rockin photos and enjoying the sun and surf. I wish you the best this holiday with your family and friends. These shots remind me of Flaklypa grand prix – if you have never checked it out, it will truly inspire you do a google search bro. Mahalo for you work man, hope to actually meet you and discuss our craft together instead of in a massive heaping crowd. Chad Wixom