M83+C Beams+Matthewdavid+James Ferraro
M83 drops the first single with an epic intro for his upcoming album Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. I would have shared the cover art but its far from being anything ISO50. I find the single catchy especially with the sax solo, makes me feel like have the gained the skills to be able to leap from one skyscraper roof to another but I don’t recommend anyone doing that. Download the single here for free.
C-Beams comes to us from a small Hamburg label called Smallville, who in my mind are the front runners of keeping the early sounds of spaced out minimalist detroit techno alive and well.
Matthewdavid takes on an important role in the beat scene, tied in with labels like Brainfeeder, he becomes a key piece in keeping a mostly beat focused label very interesting by offering up hazy lo-fi sounds.
Alright let me explain, James Ferraro isn’t a normal sound for the ISO50 blog BUT holy shit! its like my VCR is broken, the sound damage is soo authentic its beautiful. The synth line is amazing and the sequence changes are perfected by completely just cutting tape and taping the next part together in the toughest way possible, amazed.

14 Comments Leave A Comment
Owen says:
July 20, 2011 at 10:47 am“I would have shared the cover art but its far from being anything ISO50.”
It’s still a pretty good cover, let’s not kid ourselves. Even if it’s not IS50.
And the song…. well, the song is stellar. Can’t wait for this DOUBLE album!
When do we get to hear the new Tycho single :-) ????
Will says:
July 20, 2011 at 11:22 amlove the ferraro jakub!!!
mg33 says:
July 20, 2011 at 11:26 amM83 song is great. Also excited about the album, and to see them for the first time in November. Somehow for a small venue they’re playing at here in Chicago (Lincoln Hall) it wasn’t sold out, so lucky me.
Aurelien says:
July 20, 2011 at 1:23 pmMan that cover art is just scary. Love the song though.
Mike says:
July 20, 2011 at 1:57 pmjakub, check out mdavid’s label ‘leaving records’ if haven’t already…nice oeuvre, with some pretty deadly shit like dakim
Red Rash says:
July 20, 2011 at 2:13 pmWoo!
Thanks for the heads up on the M83. Throwing that on my next podcast for sure.
Kevin A... says:
July 20, 2011 at 3:25 pmwow, surprised that I don’t love the M83 cover, especially after such an extremely good showing on Saturdays = Youth…
@MG33, thanks for the heads up about M83 in Chicago…
Owen says:
July 20, 2011 at 9:48 pmTo be fair, I think the cover is only for this single.
Porto Novo says:
July 20, 2011 at 9:52 pmOwen, I hope you are right. Either way, even if it is the album art, the music is going to satisfy the shit out of me.
This pretty much says it all..
“Anyone who loved M83 before, they’ll love this album even more. People that hated me, they’re going to hate this, too.”
K says:
July 20, 2011 at 9:58 pmLove the cover art. You should have posted it. Was it not cool enough? I don’t understand.
L says:
July 21, 2011 at 8:23 amScariest album cover 2011.
Ben says:
July 21, 2011 at 3:18 pmThat James Ferraro is awesome. Good catch!
M83 – gooooood stuff.
Kevin A... says:
July 21, 2011 at 6:53 pmam I the only one that’s listened to the M83 track 23 times now? can’t get enough…
christian says:
July 22, 2011 at 1:17 pmomg he cut his own tape! he’s going in with the knife and cutting! i dont mean to be condescending haha. i just find that part of your paragraph amusing.