Eddie C + Teen Daze + Brian Eno + JJ
This weekend is all about riding out this Eddie C record ….to space! I want to watch glow in the dark laffy taffy being made under black light while I sit on a chinchilla rug at a rollerskating disco holding a fat corgi in my arms that is covered in syrup and he’s okay with that. #senseoftouchelevated
The always catchy/hazy Teen Daze is starting to take pre-orders for his upcoming LP on Waaga, perfect timing, now I just need to live somewhere where I can sit down and enjoy this song other than my room.
Brian Eno is giving away this song that didn’t make it on his album for FREE on his website, enjoy that resonance and classic voice.
I don’t know how I feel about the first half of this JJ track, it might be too softy/gentle but when those drums come in you get that Sigur Ros feel.

5 Comments Leave A Comment
Nick Robinson says:
May 26, 2011 at 2:13 pmYanno, each and every time, amazing music selections, perfect for working to…but I can’t help but notice the absolutely stunning imagery for each entry. And I keep scanning the post for some kind of explanation, haha.
Beer van Geer says:
May 26, 2011 at 5:09 pmAbsolutely beautiful shots of the Vulcano in Iceland: http://t.co/k3QJWJ9
bronah hill says:
May 30, 2011 at 12:19 amthis “eddie c” is one smooth brotha.
slofu says:
May 30, 2011 at 10:58 pmEddie C tore it up in Detroit this afternoon (as did Com Truise) on the best sound system I’ve heard at a live event.
Jeremy Carrus says:
June 2, 2011 at 8:29 amAs always another great selection from ISO50! Great Tunes! Keep em coming!