In recent years, no one I think has ever put in more care and themselves into their debut video than Creep(Lauren Flax & Lauren Dilliard), it may not be your style or taste but these girls live the part and have dreamed up a visually appealing piece of work for their fans and those kind of things can keep any music scene glowing. Oh and it has Romy Madley the girl from The Xx which is the ultimate bonus.
After finding this 1,250.00USD Joy Division shirt from the 70’s I felt like sharing this song so I can think about ripping off the design and making my own because thats a ridiculous price tag. Once you hear how Ian Curtis sings “Mistake” you’ll be trying to say it all day.
New song from Light Asylum, I think i’ve posted ever song they’ve shared with us so far on this site. I can’t get enough of this vocalist! FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU
Out of the darkness and into some heat with Destroyer, this is already in my Top Albums of 2011 right out of the gate. No one I know that sings can make a more cohesive and focused album like this, mesmerizing to say the least.
More information behind the Creep video, an interview with the director Warren Fischer:

10 Comments Leave A Comment
Dean says:
January 25, 2011 at 4:59 pmDark Allies, my new favourite tune!
Calmer says:
January 26, 2011 at 9:28 am“no one I think has ever put in more care and themselves into their debut video than Creep(Lauren Flax & Lauren Dilliard)”
thats quite a statement considering they had nothing to do with the video other then show up to set. This gives no credit to who really made this video happen (fischer) of fischer/spooner made this whole video happen. creep made the track.. that was it.
what should be written is. ” no director has taken such care into a bands video ,who no one knows about with no label support then fisher “….not the band…..
this just shows how much you dont know about film…
its silly to me that people think this. if a short film (video) has a bands name on it people think the band made the video. (so sadly untrue)
I can think of maybe a handful of directors who make music and direct that acutely write a treatment , hire a crew and make it happen through out pre production , production and post. you give no credit where credit it due here.
this video with lighting would cost over 10 grand money that band clearly does not have.
respect to fischer . he did a wonderful job on this video . i hope to see more directed by him.
Jakub says:
January 26, 2011 at 9:39 am@film
You did it sir, everyone we must congratulate film for his work on commenting, all hail film, the man the legend that took the time out of his day to state this comment. Quotes i’ve grabbed since the comment was posted from this historic moment in comment history:
“Film, what can you say that guy is a commenting genius!” – Tom Selleck
“I want Film to have his own show on BBC, i’ll pay for the damn thing” – Ricky Gervais
“Is he married yet?” – Pamela Anderson
“I give up, lets have Film figure it out” – Stephen Hawking
Brad Conrad says:
January 26, 2011 at 2:01 pmFunny, I was just reading a book yesterday that talked about the cover of the “Unknown Pleasures” album. I have always loved that cover (as well as the album). The image itself, it turns out, is not so much a “design” but an image of a graphic representation of a pulsar burst from space. Cool.
$1250 for a t-shirt? Some people.
mg33 says:
January 26, 2011 at 3:45 pmJakub, that cracks me up.
The video is cool but more so I really like the song. The XX’s album was OK but after seeing them live the whole thing was sort of a letdown. So this is the girl from the XX singing? It’s pretty good; if they could do this loudly live it would be pretty great.
Jakub says:
January 26, 2011 at 3:50 pm@MG33 totally agree on a loud live version being awesome
mg33 says:
January 27, 2011 at 11:37 amWow – I have listened to that Light Asylum song at least a dozen times since yesterday, before looking them up and discovering that the singer is a woman. Awesome. Sounds like a song for an 80s movie, but for some kind of sci-fi, post modern montage of fighting in in a destroyed city. Somehow this song could have a home in the original Escape From New York.
jeff says:
I bet he bought it at the Joy Division concert in Bangkok.
Asif Ahmed says:
January 30, 2011 at 1:20 pm@Film can you be a regular part of this blog?
Ramune ( says:
March 5, 2011 at 4:19 pmLove the Light Asylum song and the Creep song/video. Not normally a fan of loads of glitter, but I like how Fischer pulled it off. Also glad to hear more Flax tunes . . .