Ratatat + The Chap + Mu-Ziq + Khonnor
4 unique music groups here that i really appreciate their outgoing styles. Ratatat really did a great take on what you can do with the slide guitar sound and removed it and put it into a song that i’m not thinking “oh here comes a slide guitar country song”. Instead, i have this relaxing and colorful performance in my head that makes me picture some Central American theatre.
This Chap song when i first heard it flipped my world upside down(side note: for the typography fans out there have you noticed you can spell the word upside down like this using other letters of the alphabet: umop apisdn) i was shocked on the pushing and pulling i was going thru to just listen to a song, from a guitar melody thats accompanied with this heavy low end to just them whispering over a casio. The second half they just throw everything at you like “what were you thinking? you think we were just gonna make a cute alittle song for you?” wrong, they were just messing with you like that Simian vs. Justice video when everyone wakes up and soo much craziness is going on.
I can’t believe i didnt use my Mu-ziq posting for his remix of Aphex Twin – On but this album cover above will always catch my eye and it was favorite of mine when i was getting in IDM. First, the beginning of this song FORGET ABOUT IT it’s from another planet, just so you know Radiohead i love you but that’s how a spinning plate sounds times a thousand and 300 meters in diameter. Second, that breakdown with the synth melody going back and forth with the drum programming, pssssh what a genius then the last 30 seconds i’m in a hip hop track, i don’t know how to tell people what we just listened to but honestly Mike Paradinas brought it proper.
After those last 2 tracks i need a constant track that warms up and fades out. Type’s Khonnor i think made this song when he was 16, it’s if Dntel collaborated with Fennesz.

12 Comments Leave A Comment
Justin S. Meyers says:
July 22, 2008 at 11:44 amGhostly Swim should’ve used “auto where to” song for the Chap instead of “carlos walter wendy stanley”. They’re pretty uneventful, but I like their recordings for their unusual ambience. “auto where to” sounds like something is rattling on my desk. Anyway…
Scott says:
July 22, 2008 at 11:46 amthat cover is awesome!
Jeremy Stereo says:
July 22, 2008 at 12:41 pmoh u-ziq!
finally first fine idm sound here.
Jakub says:
July 22, 2008 at 12:47 pmJustin –
Auto Where To is an older track definitely would of been a great addition to Ghostly Swim, i personally love “They Have A Name” its free off the Ghostly site:
Jakub says:
July 22, 2008 at 12:49 pmJeremy –
Wait until we post a Wisp track from the new Rephlex record, we’ll have IDM flourishing again ;)
Scott says:
July 22, 2008 at 1:03 pmJeremy-
“first fine IDM”? apparently you missed these:
or you just don’t think they’re fine….
Justin S. Meyers says:
July 23, 2008 at 10:22 amJakub –
That’s an interesting track. It’s like electronic Barber Shop on crack then remixed for House.
Anyway, thanks. I really digged the “Temper” track on Ghostly swim by Dabrye.
Jayden Lawson says:
July 23, 2008 at 5:21 pmNice update to the audio player ;)
Feerhoof says:
July 23, 2008 at 6:05 pmgreat to see The Chap is reaching out a wider audience…
I have been following them around London for 2 yrs now….
they put up such great live gigs…
I had the pleasure of sharing stage last yr at Luminaire in North London!
great chaps indeed!
Ryan says:
July 25, 2008 at 2:51 pmHasty Boom Alert is such an epic track. Love love love. This post also cracked me up in terms of writing style — smoking the herb?
Sean says:
July 29, 2008 at 10:05 amThat is a great Ratatat track.
You should definitely check out their new album LP3.