Khonnor+Marz+Animal Collective+Onra
It’s been over 4 years since Khonnor has released a proper release and today we have an exclusive EP announced here first on the ISO50 blog. Khonnor has always had a strong imagination for genre hopping and quality noisy melodies and this EP has it all and leaves you wanting more but instead you just end up playing songs over and over and get hooked, thats what happened to me. Also, note that PhilistineDSGN made the cover above, if I know the designer i’ll do my best to link to their portfolio.
I first heard this Marz track on a accordion sampler cd that I found in the Ghostly office. Some of the best clapping you’ll ever hear sampled here. Reminds me of Efterklang or Mum but a lot more uplifting.
Animal Collective have a new album coming out in January and I guess Grizzly Bear leaked this song on a blog and its such a treat, they are back to the unique tribal indie sound which I adore, the last minute and a half might be the highlight of the month in what i’ve heard.
Onra is a pretty sample heavy electronic hip hop producer that my friend John turned me onto. I started to go thru the musicians whole catalog and there is gem after gem of interesting sounds.

9 Comments Leave A Comment
zenza says:
November 25, 2008 at 8:19 pmThat Onra track is sick. Thanks for the tunes!
AndresM says:
November 25, 2008 at 8:25 pmThat Animal Collective song turned into a little mess didn’t it! Wonder what the band thinks about it… Can’t wait for the album.
Also. DOPE Khonnor song, but the song is such a TEASE. I want to hear what the next track is :(
a.claudia says:
November 26, 2008 at 4:42 amI fell infatuated with Kohnner’s song as well.
I need to hear more ! I also, really dug Marz.
Daniel says:
November 26, 2008 at 8:27 pmdigging the Onra track, great beat
Stuka says:
September 7, 2009 at 9:32 am+1000 for Khonnor
Jayden Lawson says:
August 17, 2010 at 5:15 pm+1001 Khonnor!