Dictaphone’s Lament Video

Posted by Scott

Director Will Joines did a video for the Tycho song “Dictaphone’s Lament” from the Past is Prologue Abum. Check it out >

28 Comments Leave A Comment


danideluna says:

September 21, 2007 at 5:45 pm

that video was really lovely. whenever i listen to dictaphone’s lament, i think about driving through california on the PCH and about Marin. i felt the video captured that emotional wandering rather well.


Joaquim Marquès Nielsen says:

September 25, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Hey Scott, wise choice to do a blog :) And what a treat for all your fans too, to be able to get your feedback like this. Keep replying man, it’s great to read!

I like this video, although it could be a bit more exciting plot- and concept-wise.

Hey take a look at this guy on YouTube. I have subscribed to him, because there’s something intriguing about his style of filming: very very simple yet captivating (in my opinion). It would be awesome to see him do a video to one of your tracks:



Scott says:

September 25, 2007 at 7:12 pm

Thanks, it’s been fun to post the things I enjoy and talk about them….Glad you are enjoying the new format.
This video was done by William Joines completely independently from me, I wish I could have had more involvement, but at the time I wasn’t able to be there for it.
Thanks for the link, that guy’s videos are pretty cool, might try to get in touch with him in the future.


Saltah_Zh says:

January 30, 2008 at 1:52 pm

hey Scott,

I just found your blog. I was fan of yours since 2006. And, its so interesting to read your posts. Keep blogging. thanks!

ps and i like the video


werutzb says:

October 7, 2008 at 8:10 pm


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порно says:

October 15, 2008 at 10:51 pm

Очень занимательное место, мне тут понравилось, правда…
Столько всего занимательного и интересного, я тут останусь на долго.


Eroreffeseany says:

October 19, 2008 at 2:48 am

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The interesting name of a site –
I yesterday 0 hours
has spent to the Internet So I have found your site :)
The interesting site but does not suffice several sections!
However this section is very necessary!
Best wishes for you!
Forgive I is drunk :))


invoisync says:

October 23, 2008 at 10:04 am

There was this guy see.
He wasn’t very bright and he reached his adult life without ever having learned “the facts”.
Somehow, it gets to be his wedding day.
While he is walking down the isle, his father tugs his sleeve and says,

“Son, when you get to the hotel room…Call me”

Hours later he gets to the hotel room with his beautiful blushing bride and he calls his father,

“Dad, we are the hotel, what do I do?”

“O.K. Son, listen up, take off your clothes and get in the bed, then she should take off her clothes and get in the bed, if not help her. Then either way, ah, call me”

A few moments later…

“Dad we took off our clothes and we are in the bed, what do I do?”

O.K. Son, listen up. Move real close to her and she should move real close to you, and then… Ah, call me.”

A few moments later…


“O.K. Son, Listen up, this is the most important part. Stick the long part of your body into the place where she goes to the bathroom.”

A few moments later…

“Dad, I’ve got my foot in the toilet, what do I do?”


PerbSorkelo says:

November 10, 2008 at 5:46 pm



DDDDepressionnnn says:

November 20, 2008 at 7:13 pm

Depression Depression Depression aaaaaaaa
HEEEEELP :( :( :(
I hate winter! I want summer!


wintervssummer says:

November 29, 2008 at 8:20 am

I very much love summer :)
Someone very much loves winter :(
I Wish to know whom more :)
For what you love winter?
For what you love summer? Let’s argue :)


osobo says:

February 17, 2009 at 8:29 pm

Новый способ давления на кандидата на пост Главы г. Химки

Новый способ “наказать” тех, кто посмел участвовать в выборной кампании не на стороне действующей власти изобрели правоохранительные органы г.о. Химки.
Руководствуясь не нормой закона, а чьей-то “волей” сотрудники милиции решили “проверить” все фирмы, внесшие денежные средства в избирательный фонд неудобных кандидатов.
Начались “проверки” с телефонных звонков – где директор, сколько человек работает на фирме. После чего последовали “письма счастья” с просьбой предоставить всю бухгалтерскую документацию, учредительные документы фирмы, и даже, план экспликации БТИ.
Такие запросы химкинским фирмам рассылает 1 отдел Оперативно-розыскной части № 9 Управления по налоговым преступлениям ГУВД Московской области за подписью начальника подполковника милиции Д.В. Языкова.
И всё это в то время, когда Президент дал прямое указание правоохранительным органам о прекращении всех незаконных проверок малого и среднего бизнеса. С это целью внесены изменения в Федеральный закон “О милиции” – из статьи 11 этого закона исключены пункты 25 и 35, на основании которых ранее правоохранительные органы имели право проверять финансово-хозяйственную деятельность предприятий.
Видно, об изменениях действующего законодательства местные правоохранительные органы не уведомлены. И не смотрят телепередачи с выступлениями Президента.
Может быть, эта публикация подвигнет их к исполнению указаний Президента, а также к изучению и соблюдению действующего законодательства