Vintage Kix
Posted by Scott
Apparently this is a throw-back box, so you might still be able to get one. The colors are great and gentlepurespace’s choice of backdrop is perfect. Just another illustration of how product packaging today sucks. Via FFFFOUND.

18 Comments Leave A Comment
Melvin says:
April 27, 2008 at 8:38 ami agree about the packaging desing of now a days, to much information on it. i thought this was genious though :
Alex / HeadUp says:
April 27, 2008 at 4:35 pmWow I loooooove Kix too
Agreed on how shitty most product packaging has become nowadays too…
niKKi says:
April 27, 2008 at 8:35 pmI walked past these cereal boxes in the store the other day ;-)
Nugg says:
April 27, 2008 at 11:48 pmI see that the “vintage” style is minimalist, and the current style is bright and poppy. (Like GNOME and KDE.) The way I see it, it’s eye-catching, colorful but clean, informative (photo of the product is a good thing). The box pictured above is interesting in its layout, but it does not make me hungry for Kix, or even tell me what the heck Kix is. I don’t watch TV or look at paper ads. But I like to know what I’m buying.
I’m no graphics/design major, but this still interests me greatly–enlighten me, why is the current design of the Kix box shitty?
I do agree the photo itself is pretty. That is a nice backdrop for it. :)
Silke says:
May 5, 2008 at 3:01 pmNugg: well personally i immediatly thought it was a washing product?