Patrick Daughters for Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear’s last album, Veckatimest, has been on constant rotation over here for a while now but I had somehow missed this Patrick Daughters directed video for “Two Weeks”. It’s been haunting me ever since, I can’t stop watching it. At first it’s seems a little strange, but it’s just so beautifully shot and somehow very fitting for the vibe of this song. I love effects like these (the big eyes, etc) where you can’t really tell what’s going on for a while, it’s so clean and subtle. Warp has a full HD version posted up on Youtube here that really highlights the attention to detail. I love seeing such simple compositions that are so moving. This is all essentially one shot and it’s got me glued to the screen. The rest of Daughters’ videography reads like a who’s who of indie music, with work for bands like The Shins, Feist, Snow Patrol, and Interpol among many others.

13 Comments Leave A Comment
Daniel Alegria says:
November 9, 2009 at 3:50 pmI highly recommend looking at Gabe’s Askew’s 2.5D faux analogue fan video for Grizzly Bear’s “Two Weeks”. It’s a wondrous visual odyssey of human forms, environments, and imagery.
Grizzly Bear’s Two Week’s by Gabe Askew
Mister Campos says:
November 9, 2009 at 3:57 pmI agree with Daniel, Gabe’s fan video is beautiful. I found it much more engaging than this official video.
mickie says:
November 9, 2009 at 4:15 pmlove this video! thanks for the info on patrick daughters.
Scott says:
November 9, 2009 at 4:32 pmDaniel & Mister-
Askew’s rendition is certainly beautiful, but there’s something much more moving about this one to me. It seems more personal with respect to the band I guess, maybe a snapshot of the emotions behind the song.
Tyler says:
November 9, 2009 at 5:59 pmHas anyone seen the new video for Ready Able? … takes weirdness to a new level. I love it though:
d says:
November 9, 2009 at 6:31 pmreminds me a lot of AI (the film). not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
NAVIS says:
November 9, 2009 at 6:31 pmWhen I first saw this I was glued too. I was also laughing quite a bit because it’s so ridiculous.
The way the guy blinks at 54 seconds is sooo creepy.
Jarred says:
November 9, 2009 at 7:50 pmcreepily awesome in that slow, profound sort of sense…
Jon says:
November 9, 2009 at 9:22 pmI’ve never seen such a staggered blink.
Brendan Bercik says:
November 10, 2009 at 4:55 amI think everyone hear MUST ABSOLUTELY check out Grizzly Bear’s newest video – for “Ready, Able”
It’s very immersive and weird and trippy, watch it on a big screen with all the lights off ;)
Bas says:
November 10, 2009 at 5:33 amI went to their show yesterday, here in Amsterdam. It was arguably one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. It was overwhelming. Don’t like to use many superlatives, but it was just really really good. The lighting was also very beautiful.
But I don’t really like their videos. I appreciate them for being experimental, just like their music, but where the music touches me, the videos don’t. At least, not as I expected them to do so. Their fascinating, but I think too personal maybe.
Scott says:
November 11, 2009 at 3:03 amBas-
so lucky! I’ll be back in AMS in Feb. any good shows coming up then?
Bas says:
November 11, 2009 at 8:04 amMidlake is here in Feb. Also a great Belgian band called Zita Swoon (Belgium has an awesome music scene).
Elsewhere in The Netherlands: The Horrors and The Veils might be worth mentioning. I have no idea if you are, timewise and musically, interested, but I’m just saying… also because The Horrors where featured on this blog (but I don’t know them).