Canadian Design = Good: Pt. 96 / 970,567
When will it end? Apparently never. I think it’s time I just give in and nominate the Canadians as completely owning the mid-late 70’s. The more I look at this sort of design, the more I realize how much it has influenced my own style. It’s funny because I don’t remember really being aware of design when I was younger and I certainly wasn’t fortunate enough to be alive (much less conscious) during the ’76 games. I guess these sorts of things just kind of seep in to your consciousness over the years through random, passing exposure without you completely realizing or understanding it’s impact.
At any rate, I envision my dream space as a large, concrete floored, open room with 3 story ceilings, all white, with these printed massive banner size hanging all along one side. I think the other side would be wood paneled in a light walnut with a flush installed Bang & Olufsen circa 1976 Beo system right in the center. Sprinkle in a healthy dose of vintage Hermann Miller, some Dieter Rams-designed Braun appliances here and there and things would be starting to look right. Maybe a wax figurine of Jakub in his ATMSPHR promo photo get-up and Jarvis Cocker glasses would be encased in a Perspex cylinder somewhere, perhaps animatronics would be involved, budget permitting.

9 Comments Leave A Comment
Jehad says:
February 25, 2008 at 3:10 pmI don’t know why but I’ll probably have all sorts of weird dreams tonight after reading the part with your dream space :)
Gareth says:
February 25, 2008 at 4:23 pmfrom back in the day when a rainbow just meant ‘a rainbow’
Jude says:
February 26, 2008 at 12:40 amScott, I get the impression that you are a very nostalgic person. You clearly have something that you can’t let go of…
You remind me of that guy in Ghost World.
Tor Løvskogen says:
February 26, 2008 at 1:28 amMy dream space definitly has 3 or 4 story high white walls, a minimalistic monument – with B&O-inspired wooden interior, ofcourse ;-)
james says:
February 26, 2008 at 6:18 amYou’re right, Canadian design from the 60s, 70s and early 80s was really a high-water mark in our culture. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ’76 games and the ’67 Expo alone generated heaps of amazing design.
You might already be aware of this site, but the Canadian Design Resource has loads of Canadian design examples from all mediums, including an entire category dedicated to Expo ’67 materials.
Alex / HeadUp says:
February 26, 2008 at 9:41 amHAHA I actually have a figurine of Jakub sitting here on my desk….inspires me to do more every day.
Johan Sonelius says:
March 6, 2008 at 8:10 amThe poster to the right makes me think about a poster made for a museum in Stockholm, with the topic of tha catastrofe of the ship “Estonia”.
Gayla Blevins says:
March 26, 2008 at 8:21 amithacan mishmee cyzicene wordlessly unscholarlike limey quibble parricided
Esskay Institute
Derick May says:
April 17, 2008 at 10:40 amithacan mishmee cyzicene wordlessly unscholarlike limey quibble parricided
J.V. Poplawski & Associates