Archive for the music video Tag

Ratatat Stock Footage Video

Posted by Scott

The video for Ratatat’s new single Drugs is absolutely horrible, which is exactly what they wanted. Carl Burgess scoured the depths of the Getty Images archives and pieced together this string of painful moments set to music. The recycled mediocrity vibe is strong and there is a fair amount of uglification going down via some video post. I have to imagine someone involved in this project is a big Tim & Eric fan, and perhaps watched one too many Aphex Twin videos.

Via Today And Tomorrow

Patrick Daughters for Grizzly Bear

Posted by Scott


Grizzly Bear’s last album, Veckatimest, has been on constant rotation over here for a while now but I had somehow missed this Patrick Daughters directed video for “Two Weeks”. It’s been haunting me ever since, I can’t stop watching it. At first it’s seems a little strange, but it’s just so beautifully shot and somehow very fitting for the vibe of this song. I love effects like these (the big eyes, etc) where you can’t really tell what’s going on for a while, it’s so clean and subtle. Warp has a full HD version posted up on Youtube here that really highlights the attention to detail. I love seeing such simple compositions that are so moving. This is all essentially one shot and it’s got me glued to the screen. The rest of Daughters’ videography reads like a who’s who of indie music, with work for bands like The Shins, Feist, Snow Patrol, and Interpol among many others.
