The Walkmen+Anoraak+Glasser+Hooray!
I’ve always liked how the singer of The Walkmen voice went along with the guitars and their conservative classic style has made it easy for them to be a big hit in the main stream. I listened to the album and thought it was really strong but I found this NPR Session of the song Woe Is Me to be what i’d love to put on if i’m going to listen to The Walkmen.
More Neon Indian remixes, this one comes from Anoraak from France, if you haven’t noticed yet i’m still a sucker for this gentle 80s sound.
Glasser takes a Fever Ray approach, nothing new here but its done really well. At times in this song I wish Ellen Allien took this approach I think by now she’d be doing big things. Also, one part that grabbed me in this Glasser track was the similarities in the intro with Matthew Dear’s Don’t Go This Way, which I loved, more of that sound please.
Hooray! style is all over the place, I can’t put my finger on it, crunchy kicks or sometimes even pianos, in I Guess… he flattens out simple noisy loops making them sound like the last new minutes of a No Age session that has died down.

5 Comments Leave A Comment
chris says:
October 11, 2010 at 11:54 amthere are some really warm analogue sounds in that anorak remix
Paul Anthony Webb says:
October 11, 2010 at 11:58 amNeon Indian and Glasser – amazing.
sebe says:
October 11, 2010 at 12:37 pmReally enjoying Hooray!
Garrett Byrum says:
October 11, 2010 at 12:41 pmreally loving neon indian and glasser as well!
Joe says:
October 11, 2010 at 3:24 pmthe i guess song by hooray! is samples from the Bullion album Pet sounds in the key of dee