One of the best beat records i’ve heard this year is this Free The Robots LP, it has the freshness of freedom in the studio and no pressure of having to be hype or head nodding just a great collection of tracks.
Tobacco has teamed up with Beck a couple of times on the new album Maniac Meat, the record reminds me of the first time I saw a Garbage Pail Kid card, it was harsh yet I couldn’t have enough.
UPDATE: Needed to take this down, sorry guys, i’ll have it up again around the release date
Before I post something from the new Delorean record I wanted to share this remix they did of Glasser, it touches on how a slow Cocorosie song would start off and its well worth sticking around for the firework going off breakdown that transitions back into the song, very clever.
Looping noise pop trio Growing has a new record coming out called Pumps!, its for fans of F*ck Buttons yet this is a bit more Black Dice like in my mind with it being more tense and dirty.

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Andrew McGahey says:
April 5, 2010 at 8:26 amCouldn’t agree more. The new album from FTR is outstanding. Keeps getting better with each listen. Easily one of my favorites of 2010.
rent says:
April 5, 2010 at 6:56 pmJust got the FTR and I’m loving it so far. Really great beats and bleeps for sures.
Soh Tanaka says:
April 6, 2010 at 2:04 pmWent to their album release party last week w/ Mimosa n Epcot. Dope show!
dwbl says:
April 28, 2010 at 5:02 pmFTR is def good. On the whole i see room for improvement. but “Mental Universe” is one of the dopest beatnod tracks i’ve heard in a while, maybe best of the year, the structure is proper.
Have you heard the new Jneiro Jarel EP? now THAT is something.
“GosoHaurd” SNAPS.