Nenad Saljic: Matterhorn Portraits
Posted by Collective
Nenad Saljic’s study of the north face of the Matterhorn is absolutely stunning work. Over the course of three years, the Croatian photographer has captured this iconic Alp no less than a few thousands times.
Using a black and white medium, Nenad masterfully demonstrates how weather, light and composition can drastically change a photographic subject through time.
Nenad states, “I want my images to compress the passing of time – the beauty of the wind and the clouds dancing around the mountain.”
You can read about and view more of these amazing Matterhorn images on his portfolio.
Posted by: Owen Perry
Instagram: Circa_1983

1 Comment Leave A Comment
shane says:
December 5, 2012 at 9:26 amNenad himself has never had the chance to climb the Matterhron himself, yet each image you might study suggests he knows the mountain quite well and personally. He does a fantastic job on his captures from timing to tonal range.