Solvent+Oval+Pictureplane+Light Asylum
I think i’ve posted 3 songs by Solvent this month, I guess I just can’t get enough, here’s a new one from his album that came out this month called Subject To Shift. Yesterday I got an email that he’ll be starting up his old label Suction Records which got me really geeked, some of the compilations on that label really kick started my love for this kind of synth pop.
Oval is back and i’m loving it, he’s touching on that sound that Caribou and Four Tet are known for, pretty ace.
I’m really into Pictureplane but I can’t imagine they’ve been sequencing electronic music for more than 2 years, either way i’m loving this track.
Light Asylum is the most unique project i’ve heard live in some time now. I can’t get enough, that vocal paired up synthesized percussion is bringing back nice memories.

8 Comments Leave A Comment says:
May 28, 2010 at 9:18 amLove Solvent and the frame-able artwork on both his recent 12″ and 7″ releases. The vinyls will be arriving at my doorstep soon – can’t wait to see them in the large format. Thanks for the music!
Trevvor says:
May 28, 2010 at 5:24 pmFYI Pictureplane is only one person, Travis Egedy.
Chris says:
May 29, 2010 at 1:41 pmWoW! This Solvent track is slick! It reminds me of being a kid and listening to some of that early voice box music. Great mix, and love the artwork!
Ryan says:
May 29, 2010 at 9:35 pmLoving Oval. Popp’s work hit a high point with his exquisite Dok album. The subsequent Process and Commers releases progressively lost touch with the bits of rhythm, melody and ambience that made all the earlier stuff so fun. Very cool to hear how his approach has been reinvented here. Caribou and Four Tet references are dead on. Def looking forward to the new release!
Nathanael Piper says:
June 1, 2010 at 7:09 pmHi, I’m a budding animator who would love to make filmclips to songs like these.
My online folio has no animation work on it however if anyone is interested in seeing my films,send me an email. I’ll send you an mpeg of the kind of style I go for. I’m thinking of music like Cryastal Castles etc Synths, Elctro Pop…I like weird and dreamy animation style. Anyway, I’m super enthusiastic so I’d be stoaked to work for free however I keep the rights to my work. I mainly want to build my folio and promote music I like at the same time.
Nathanael Piper says:
June 1, 2010 at 7:10 pmSorry, email is
Martz says:
June 2, 2010 at 9:10 amas far as i know Pictureplane has been making music for much more than 2 years, you can’t really judge someones experience by the complexity of their music… just sayin
when you are playing samplers and keyboards live instead of just firing stuff off in ableton it can really limit what you can do in terms of sequencing (in a good way sometimes)
good tracks all around though
Martz says:
June 2, 2010 at 9:12 am@ Nathanael you should just make a video to someones song and see if they like it, works for alot of people