Bluebrain + P. Thomas + Weird Tapes + MCDE
This Bluebrain’s song takes a second to kick in, it has such unique production, vocals remind me a bit of TV On The Radio and the music makes me feel like how I felt after hearing The Dirty Projectors for the first time which they don’t sound the same at all but both album hit me off guard where the music wasn’t something i’d usually listen to but composition wise it was very fresh feeling and I wanted know if they could pull that feeling off thru the whole album.
This isn’t the only Prins Thomas song i’ll be posting from his new album thats for sure, I think it comes out next week in the US and i’m geeking over it. I think after the first few minutes in I wrote to him and said “epic! country space jams touching the disco gods” and thats a good thing in my mind.
Dayve Hawk aka Memory Cassette aka Memory Tapes aka Weird Tapes has recently made his way thru many of the cracks of sub genres and made a great name for himself which is well deserving since his music is top notch. I saw him open for Atlas Sound as Memory Tapes, he did his Memory Tapes sound really well plus added a hint of his disco-ish Weird Tapes sound into it all too, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you check his work out.
A long groover from Motor City Drum Ensemble, these keys could loop forever in my head and i’d never get sick of them.

10 Comments Leave A Comment
Charles Bergquist says:
March 9, 2010 at 12:25 pmThe Bluebrain album is really good, nice picks!
jprez says:
March 9, 2010 at 2:28 pmNice! so glad Bluebrain is catching on, known those dudes a long time. They definitely deserve all the attention they can get and put on a really awesome show. . . Ryan of Bluebrain is doing some solo stuff with Body Language in DC this saturday at the Fridge, not to be missed, and also playing at the brand new U st. music hall. Get on it!
Shane in Seattle says:
March 9, 2010 at 8:29 pmGood call on Bluebrain. I totally feel a TVOR similarity. But indeed, different. Thanks for posting.
chris says:
March 9, 2010 at 10:50 pmthat bluebrain!
Ross says:
March 10, 2010 at 6:52 amThat bluebrain song reminds me a lot of the Epochs. Any connection?
Duncan says:
March 10, 2010 at 12:20 pmThe main sample on the Weird Tapes track is taken directly from “Numerator Original” off BoC’s Closes album. pretty blatant rip =\
Marc says:
March 13, 2010 at 10:48 pmthanks for showing me bluebird. these guys sound amazing.
Marc says:
March 13, 2010 at 10:50 pmblueBRAIN, my bad. thanks again!
Chris Stevens says:
March 22, 2010 at 7:21 amThe guys from bluebrain are also in The Epochs. I really like the sound they have with bluebrain.
Keith says:
April 4, 2010 at 10:56 amlike jprez, went to high school with the guys from Bluebrain…talented guys who put on a good show…glad to see them gettin some press…