Twitter just rolled out a new profile design that allows you to add your own header banner. Pretty cool, but it’s hard to tell what looks best without fidgeting with it, then waiting. To make it easier on you, I’ve updated my Twitter PSD Photoshop template to the new design.
The profile images in the template utilize smart objects to make it easier to update all of the images in the template at once. The name/username’s in the tweets also utilize smart objects. Double-click to edit, then edit the contents and it will update all of the smart objects synced with it.
This template was built closely to Twitter’s current layout as of September 20th, 2012. Download the template below. Please share the PSD if you find it useful. If you have any questions or suggestions leave a comment.
Download the PSD
For updates to the PSD you should follow @ShelbyWhite.

Japanese aeronautical engineer and astronaut Soichi Noguchi has been using his Twitter to share images of his space travels with the rest of us here back on Earth.
Posted by B3PO

Giving back to the community isn’t always as easy as finding and sharing great design. Sometimes it requires spending time doing tedious details of a Photoshop document… and that is exactly what I’ve done for you.
Here for your use is a Twitter UI Photoshop template perfect for mocking up your page before updating it live. The template is spot on with Twitter’s current layout. In the Psd, each of element set is grouped into its respective area based on the page. Each layer is also labeled and color coded. Twitter mockups should be a whole heck of a lot easier now, enjoy!
Twitter UI Photoshop Psd (4.9 MB) | Version 1.2 — Share this
Download the PSD
For updates to the PSD you should follow @ShelbyWhite.

So considering all the infinite hype surrounding it, I’ve finally been experimenting with Twitter over the past couple weeks and I have to say, it’s been surprisingly fun. I hooked the blog up so that all the posts are linked up on my Twitter page (using Twitter Tools) and it’s been an interesting way to communicate via a more direct route than is possible with the blog alone. I’ll be posting up giveaways, extras that didn’t make the blog, process stuff (pictures of the daily work), and random other tidbits here and there. It will also be the front lines so you’ll be the first to hear about anything useful or interesting before it hits the blog.
So there you have it, ISO50 on Twitter, join up! @ISO50