2 lovely groups by the names of The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart and 800beloved came out this month that got me back to digging thru older songs from a few more older well known groups that most of us already know. It’s nice to hear new groups taking hints of older material that is really specific sounding that inspired them and pushing it thru 2009 that is full of awful pop, weakened indie rock, and stagnant dance music. I truly feel like both these groups need to be heard since I would love to be dancing to music like this with a bunch of friends over most of what is out there not because its soo much better but it would be a perfect change of pace.
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – Young Adult Friction
800beloved – Galaxies
My Bloody Valentine – (When You Wake) You’re Still In a Dream
The Smiths – Shoplifters Of The World Unite
Section 25 – Inspiration

I definitely count The Smiths’ 1984 Hatful of Hollow as one of my top 20 all time. This is one of those albums that makes you want to post the whole thing but I thought it would be a good challenge to try to narrow it down to three songs. I posted the re-issue version of the cover—featuring a cropped version of Gilles Decroix’s now iconic image (layout/design by Caryn Gough)—as I prefer its design to the bordered original. I really like the overall visual style of their release art, that sort of duo-tone screen print thing that Belle & Sebastian later used to such great effect. Out of the three standout tracks I ended up choosing, at least one of them—This Night Has Opened My Eyes—would make both my top 50 songs and top 10 basslines list. I love that smooth 70’s DI tone, always amazing how good a lot of the older Peel Session tracks sound considering they weren’t studio recordings in the conventional sense.
This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I want
How Soon Is Now?