Archive for the The Drums Felt Stupid Tag


Posted by Jakub

Alpha - Come From Heaven
I always loved the feeling certain lounge songs made me feel, its funny how it always made me think of vintage furniture that I wanted to own or made me daydream about specific Verner Panton and Eero Saarinen interior architecture, its so 2002.

Neon Indian I love your music man but that name is just too hipster for me, its like adding an expiration date to the project, so nice to hear Au Revoir Simone vocals anytime I can, really nice track.

I saw The Drums for the 5th time in like 2 months last night, again one of my favorite live performing bands around right now. If you live in the UK, check for live dates, pure pop fun and probably the best and most entertaining tambourine player of all time.

How can you turn down more Washed Out? its like lo-fi AM Gold with an updated modern indie touch. I like what Toro Y Moi did in this remix by keeping the feel of the song within that family of musicians sound.

Alpha – My Things


Au Revoir Simone – Another Likely Story (Neon Indian Remix)


The Drums – I Felt Stupid


Washed Out – Feel It All Around (Toro Y Moi Remix)
