Archive for the Odd Nosdam Tag

Shigeto + Odd Nosdam + GLK + Aziz Ansari

Posted by Jakub

Shigeto’s EP came out today, you may have heard of him since he recently remixed Tycho’s Adrift. Shigeto is a master at delicate detailed melody and stop and start rhythms over tracks that grow and accelerate seamlessly, the Semi Circle EP is a nice sampler for things to come.

Odd Nosdam’s Up In Flames is like a DJ Shadow record stuck in a good groove but with a ton of attention put in the delivery of that loop, I just wish this song was longer.

One artist that really impresses me is The Gaslamp Killer, this EP is good but not great yet he’s a proper example of the perfect showmen, an entertainer to the hardcore and passionate fan base that goes out to shows.

Now for some Aziz Ansari, fyi NSFW.

Odd Nosdam+Charles Trees+Max Tundra

Posted by Jakub

I’ve been in love with some of the songs on the new Odd Nosdam LP that just came out this month on the hard working Anticon label. I haven’t really heard anything like this song Ethereal Slap since Marumari’s Supermogadon which definitely isn’t as heavy hitting. Root Bark by Odd Nosdam is more soundtrack-ish but really is unhateable, perfect for a skateboarding soundtrack which I think is what this LP is suppose to be for.

Fans of Samiyam and Flying Lotus need to check out Charles Trees, he has an upbeat crunchy authentic sound that might be able to find in Daedelus’ but also hits as hard as Dabrye.

I’m always happy to hear and support Max Tundra, he is needed in music because he breaks down pop barriers and weeds out and finds the real music lovers that care for avant pop, the video below is shot in such a simple yet attractive way in my mind, reminds me of some Electric Company promo.

Odd Nosdam – Ethereal Slap


Odd Nosdam – Root Bark


Charles Trees – It’s The…


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again Video