The Books+Simko+Kyle Dunn+Loscil
One of my favorite Books songs is this Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again, just the pure musical freedom they show off and it working out is inspiring. I might have to go out on a limb and say its the best quality sound with random field recording sampling laid out into an actual song we’ll ever hear maybe.
Kate Simko did a beautiful soundtrack for a science documentary called The Atom Smashers, The Creative Part is a favorite of mine, reminds me of what I love about Philip Glass.
Kyle Bobby Dunn is better known for his piano material, he has this beautiful drone EP called Fervency that is out now, some real gorgeous earthy tones that sweep me up, with the song clocking in over 14+ minutes you’ll be sure to fall in and out of this slightly hypnotic piece.
In my opinion Loscil is legendary for his sound that he has worked on over the years, the only way I could ever replicate is if I dove into a 20 foot deep tub of honey and sat at the bottom and had long bass tones aimed towards me from every angle while I sat and held my breathe. Listen to those slight echoes on the clicks! its like getting lost in playing with your fingers when they’re covered in pine sap and you think you can feel every fingerprint unsticking from the other.
[audio:worries.mp3] [audio:creative.mp3] [audio:mobiles.mp3] [audio:marin.mp3]